Streams on Wikipedia



Active member
Apr 23, 2013
Most days I pop onto Wikipedia to check the featured article and pictures, as well as the "Did you know" and the "On this day" sections. Yes, I'm the type of weirdo who reads encyclopedias for fun.

I'm guessing they somehow use articles I've read to suggest topics in "Did you know" because lately it has been showing me streams in PA with wild trout almost everyday. Today it is showing me Barnes Run near Hazleton.

Who knows how good the streams they display are but I like "discovering" new water and making mental maps of watersheds.

Does anyone else visit Wikipedia often? Have you noticed this?
When I google a topic, I usually get a result from wikipedia in the initial display page, and generally go there for an overview of the topic. I never notice ad behavior, but I think maybe their suggested topics utilize browsing behavior to make appropriate suggestions. Oftentimes this is really convenient technology, but always it is a little creepy.
I was never on Wikipedia's home page before.

But I went there, and sure enough, the Barnes Run thing is there.

I don't understand that. Because nothing else on the page seems targeted.

And even if they were targeting flyfishers, why that stream? Which is a miniscule stream on private land. Out of the very large number of streams in PA?

Also, I can't see any way that they could derive any income from this. It's not an ad. It just a link to the Wikipedia entry for that little crick. There's nothing for sale at that link.

The Internet is weird.
Black Ash Creek, Roaring Brook, and Solomon Creek are a few others I've seen in the last week or so.
Maybe someone from NEPA has some input in suggesting topics?

Troutbert I doubt ads are connected in anyway. But the same type of data collection could be used to present similar topics.

I don't really plan to fish them. I'm not looking for information. I just thought it was odd that out of all the things in the world Wiki could display it keeps going back to a semi local topic that interests me.
I do not see ads on wiki. What am I missing?
JackM wrote:
I do not see ads on wiki. What am I missing?

There aren't any ads. What we are talking about is on Wikipedia's home page.

There are headings for many topics. News, etc.

And as described in the OP, one of the items is a very small, very obscure stream near Hazleton.

It showed on the OPer's computer, and on mine.

Just suggested topics? Because I don't see that either. Went to home page could not find "did you know." Do you have to be a contributor to access this part of the site?
Jack the "Did you know" section is on this page: on the left side. Under the featured article.
OK, I see it now. Yes Barnes Run article was second to last. I would call this coincidence, as opposed to any cookie detection technique.
Somebody must be adding or updating articles about streams in PA ahead of opening day and nominating them for the home page. I don’t think its related to an individuals browsing habits or location since they archive all the DYK.

I noticed there is no paflyfish page on Wikipedia. Somebody should make one - before some bait fisherman does - and nominate it for a DYK. :)
I wonder how you guys are seeing these streams come up. I've never seen it. I understand that you get it on the home page, but it must be some action you are doing during searches of the web. I've tried 3 days and I'm not seeing it.
I've seen 2 or 3 more there since I posted this thread. There was another there 2 or 3 days ago but yesterday and today there have not been.

I just tried a few things that should block my browsing/search history and the items on the main page are still the same for me. The only way I could get some things to change was on my phone.

One thing I've noticed is all the streams are in Luzerne County. I think someone is just nominating them for the DYK section.
phiendWMD wrote:
I've seen 2 or 3 more there since I posted this thread. There was another there 2 or 3 days ago but yesterday and today there have not been.

I just tried a few things that should block my browsing/search history and the items on the main page are still the same for me. The only way I could get some things to change was on my phone.

One thing I've noticed is all the streams are in Luzerne County. I think someone is just nominating them for the DYK section.

I also saw some since we last discussed it, also in Luzerne Cty. And this was using a computer at the library, so they should not know my browsing history.

No streams today when I checked.
Still haven't seen any streams. Checked every day since seeing this thread.
Chaz wrote:
Still haven't seen any streams. Checked every day since seeing this thread.
Check the archive. Seems to have started 2/19/2015 with Watering Run.