Stream Reports - Proposed alternative

Oct 5, 2008
Not sure if this is right place or not...

I've been reading this site for a good 8 months, never post because I don't add value to the topics because of my lack of knowledge and experience.

Would anyone else be interest in a different way to handle stream reports, I would think a form would handle the capture of the data better.

If we create a standard form with standard data points (Location, Weather, Hatches, ....) then we could setup a system for the users of the data to harvest or mine the data much easier. We should be able to also perform analysis on the data as well. (E.G. be able to answer to questions like: for this time of year the stream fish best during ?, during the time of year which fly pattern is best,...)

If this sounds good, then respond back with the data point that are need for answering those questions or even better the types of questions you would like to ask the data.

I can develop the system or help, the least I can do for all of the information I've gain from you all off this site.

Also, the people in charge, 1st let me know if you are up for this and then we can discuss details from there.
I think it is a terrific idea that has been considered by Dave Kile. I'm not sure what the logistical reasons are for not doing it. It may just be too big of a job for Dave to tackle at this point.

As it is now, if everyone followed the form for thread titles, it is a simple matter to use the sort function to have the reports show up organized according to stream name, county and date.
In addition to any nuggets I gleen from the reports; I enjoy the story aspect of the reports. I am afraid if it goes to straight categories these "entertainment" aspects will be lost or be greatly diminished. Just my 2 cents and thanks for all the work that has been done.
The stories don't have to end. You could have something like this:

Stream Name: ________
County: _________
Date: __________
Time, start: _________
Time end: _________
Air Temp, High: _________
Air Temp, Low: _________
Water Temp: _________
Hatches1: _________
Hatches2: _________
Hatches3: _________
Hatches4: _________

Etc, Etc,


Comments: [Open form with unlimited length, not a searchable database field].

The real problem is that even now, posters often do not conform to the simple directive of Dave to entitled the reports as follows:

"Stream Name, County Name, Date as MM/DD/YYYY"

Maybe with fill-in forms, it will be easier for people to understand and follow the directive, but I suspect some if not many posters don't want to take the time to conform or are just averse to confomity, period.
@ acristickid - Very true and we can still support the story aspect and use a commenting system for replies (like youtube or varios blog engines) for the responses.

@ JackM - We can apply enforcement of fields and then make it easier to enter the data. E.G. drop downs for streams, pull the weather from some 3rd party....

I can mock/prototype an interface, if we would like to proceed
You should wait until Dave Kile replies or send him a Private message or e-mail. Nothing can be done without his cooperation and approval. Even if someone else sets up the database, there will be a burden on him to integrate it to the site and he may not be in a position to do all that.

I could fill the first five of your list. As An example; Loyalhanna, Westmoreland, Aug 3, 08, 6:30, 12:30. Maybe every once in awhile the water temp. Only if I'm curious enough to know what it is. But has the air temp goes don't keep track of it. As far as hatches don't know the different bugs well enough except a mayfly is different from a stonefly. Just not all that detailed about all the viables that goes with fishing.
There would be no need to complete each and every field. Of course, many times on many streams, you won't see any hatches at all. I am usually aware of the air temps and they can be looked up if you wanted to be complete. There should be a field for weather: rain, drizzle, cloudy, partly cloudy, sunny, etc. Like you, I don't always get water temps either. I think the idea would be to get those things into fields that people might like to search on and leave the rest to the general narrative.

Thanks for everyones input on the topic. You may recall the old site from about five years ago did have any online database much like you are describing. I would like to move over to this, but finding it technically very difficult to create.

Not sure this going to be able to accomplish this in the near term. I do want to make this happen i have about 6,000 old reports that would be great to have back online.

