Stream Locations?



Active member
Jun 9, 2010
Did I miss something, or did the 'Stream Locations' sub-forum get nuked? Not seeing it this morning...
Yep, it's been down since yesterday evening. Working on it - sorry for the inconvenience.
no worries, just noticed it'd gone missing...curious if it was permanent.
Okay I'm glad I looked in this forum, cause I thought I was going LOCO!
Would it involve spot burning??? Just kidding!
It might Chaz! That's the sad part.
No it has nothing to do with users. The module became corrupt and was unrecoverable. Likely the short term solution will be to create a new forum but we will lose all the previous content. If by chance we find a way to recover just that forum from a back up we will be able to bring the old posts on line at a later date.

But for now its FUBAR.
Yep as Maurice has stated we had some issues that I can't get past. I am still looking at it but not to hopeful.

We are thinking that the early next week we will be starting up the new one and see where things go after that.

Didn't realize how important that forum was til it was gone. I was googling Sullivan/World's End fly fishing and several links to our stream section came up, but none of the links worked. Bummer. Gotta do what you gotta do though!
Oh boy, all new spot burning next week, have to spot burn chaz's secret
dkile wrote:
Yep as Maurice has stated we had some issues that I can't get past. I am still looking at it but not to hopeful.

We are thinking that the early next week we will be starting up the new one and see where things go after that.

Was the table that stored this forum corrupted? Were the daily (or whatever frequency) backups also corrupted, or didn't the table backup since it was corrupted? Is there any backup anywhere that you could roll back to, knowing you'd lose some data, but be able to recover everything else up through a certain date?
The short answer is it is going to take some sql programming to strip out the old posts and it is expensive to hire the programmer to do it. The posts are likely in a back up but will be addressed at a later date when other site updates are done. Its not a DIY solution.