Stream Improvement Work on "The Run" in Boiling Springs



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
The outflow from Children's Lake in Boiling Springs - commonly known as "The Run" - as most of you know, has been a hugely popular spot with FFers for many years. Recently, however, many locals and Boiling Springs regulars have felt that The Run could use some more fish holding habitat. With an eye toward improving this, Cumberland Valley Trout Unlimited (CVTU) has undertaken a multi-phase habitat improvement project on this popular section of stream. Some log crib with shot rock has been placed along the banks to create overhead cover and narrow the channel. Within hours after this structure went in, trout could be seen holding along it. More work will be undertaken next year.


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    The Run 1.jpg
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Thanks Dave for posting the write up and pictures we have eight more projects planned for the run starting sometime after June 15, 2012. Feel free to send me a PM if you have any question about the project or any up coming projects.

Justin Pittman
From the photos it appears there are some mowed lawns places on the streambank? That typically causes excessive streambank erosion, and habitat loss.
Dear Troutbert,

Just curious, but have you ever been to the "Run" at Boilings Springs?

You are looking at the 3 to 6 feet of grass that exists between the "Run", AKA the outflow of Children's Lake, and the 30 yard by 75 yard crushed stone parking lot.

The concept of a "Riparian buffer" is not really part of the equation.


Tim Murphy :)
Nice work!