Stream Cleanups



Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
If you have a stream cleanup scheduled in your area, please post it here.

Spring Creek cleanup, Saturday, April 25, starting at 8:30 am. Meet at the McCoy Access, between Bellefonte and Milesburg.

if you are looking for clean ups in your area:

If you are part of a group you can register with the site and have your event posted. They have information on resources and how to organize a clean up
Cool website.

I see Penns Creek is having a cleanup April 25 also. Starting at 9 am. Meet in the park in Coburn.
I always hate these things because it doen't take very long after for some idiots to ruin something beautiful. Sometimes I wanna break my flyrod over their behind.

"Look honey, a clean spot to put our trash!" or some parent that watches their child as he/she floats trash down the creek/river and encourages them.

It should always be what you pack in you pack out.
I agree with Penny. TU where I am now did a cleanup then posted signs stating people volunteered to clean up and asking very nicely to not make a mess. And that river is a mess again already.
The thing that really gets me is most of the trash is fishing related packaging. I don't understand why it is so difficult for some people to properly dispose of their waste?

On the other hand, some trash cans or barrels to put waste in at least near parking areas would help a lot I think. Most places do have them and it helps to some extent. The location I am referring to does not have anywhere to throw something away. That is not a good excuse though. If you can bring it in, you can take it out.
Yellow Creek Bedford County, 4/25 8:00 at the New Frontier for breakfast clean up starts at 9:00
Casselman river (Grantsville MD) April 25th 9 am meeting under 68 bridge. This will be done by the Nemacolin chapter of TU.
phiendWMD wrote:
I agree with Penny. TU where I am now did a cleanup then posted signs stating people volunteered to clean up and asking very nicely to not make a mess. And that river is a mess again already.
The thing that really gets me is most of the trash is fishing related packaging. I don't understand why it is so difficult for some people to properly dispose of their waste?

On the other hand, some trash cans or barrels to put waste in at least near parking areas would help a lot I think. Most places do have them and it helps to some extent. The location I am referring to does not have anywhere to throw something away. That is not a good excuse though. If you can bring it in, you can take it out.

A small percentage of fishing waste falls out of a vest or pack by accident. I know it has happened to me already. But most of it is just people being lazy. Look at the volume of McDonalds bags and beer cans and who knows what else along side a major highway. The inside of my car (minus the beer cans) tends to look like the outside highway banks from time to time, but the junk stays in the car until I deposit it in the trash can or recycle bin.

Just because someone doesn't share your view of trash disposal is not reason to not do good in the world by removing trash. Everything we do in life could be abused one way or another, so by that logic, we could just do nothing, 'cuz it will just get messed up again.

It's great to have trash cans or barrels or dumpsters handy but that can cause some logistical problems. Who is going to pay to haul the trash away and keep an eye on them so they don't get full if they are not part of a regular trash pickup schedule or become a surrogate trash dumping site for someone who does not want to pay for their own local trash service?