Straightening hand tied leaders



Jun 10, 2009
I have been using hand tied leaders recently after being introduced to them by Paul G...I really like them but find they coil up more than tapered leaders and I find it hard to get them nice and straight....advise would be welcome. Thanks.
My first thought is that its the material and not how they taper (know vs knotless) When i get new leader out I usually pull it between my thumb and forefinger to straighten it out a little. It also lets me know if its got a weak spot.
I agree its the material Tom, I have a few different leaders and one type is the F Paradise leader and the other is the yellowstone clear maxima butt type leader, both the butt sections are really stiff which makes for great fly turnover but hard to straighten. Do you take your leader off the fly line when you are done fishing or do you just reel it in to the reel?
I just reel it in...first few casts I get a little curl to them, but that's not all bad. They straighten out more as the day goes...then I have to intentionally put that slack into the leader when I cast.
Take the leader and put it in your pocket on the way to the stream. Warming the material up will make it a bit more flexible.
I just use a leader straightener. I have and use the tying kit from FFP. 2 or 3 passes through leather gets it "straight enough", and then it straightens out more as the day wears on.
Thanks guys, I think I have been too anal about getting it super straight!

JayL hope your leg is getting better I feel for you.
I used a piece of rubber from an innertube for years , and then read somewhere you shoun't so now i just use my fingers , also hooking your fly in the hookeeper and wind down snug and set in the sun while you put your waders on will take most of the bumps out.
grab the leader securely by the end of it in one hand , then grab the other end as far up as u can reach with your arms spread apart , pull steady for about 1-2 minutes then slowly and i mean slowly let the pressure off , when you are done the leader will be fairly straight , straight enough to fish with , then repeat further up the leader to straighten again
Find a smoothed-barked tree (yound mample) and upt the tippet in one hand and the butt section in the other (around the tree of course) and pull gently. ususally doesn't take too much pressure.

You can use your knee too, but take more time.
start at the butt, pull a section, move down, repeat process if it's not a straight a you like - this does not need to be over-engineered.
friction=heat=weakens mono-but I used Ospreys method and think you will never note the difference.

I use a leader straighter for mine, a piece of intertube like Osprey will work just as well.

BTW, I still have 2 leaders in my car that I picked up for you, but never got to see you time I see you!

Thanks Paul , hope you're doing good and Happy Holidays to you.
All of the other comments are good. Generally speaking if your leader has that much memory that you have trouble to straighten----this means the leader is old. First step in building a quality leader is fresh line. Some leaders have dates--- don't be fooled.

straighten using your hands, pull in opposite directions on the butt section and mid section. apply force if the leader breaks at the knot-----well it wasn't a good one to begin with. Pull the tippet through your thumb and index finger. Be careful not to apply too much pressure or you will stretch and kink the tippet.

hang the leader by the butt on a nail and attach a weight to the tippet. next day it will be straight.

36"-.020, 24"-.017, 6"-.015. 6"-.012, 6"-.010, 6"-.008, and 24"-006. -------------------9ft.--5x--3lb. leader formula.

above formula is excellent.

all maxima chameleon or---1st 4 sections chameleon with last 3 maxima ultragreen or------1st 4 sections mason hard type nylon with the last three maxima ultragreen.

above leaders are quite excellent. or you may sub. your own tippet but reccomend mason or maxima for butt and midsection.

my name is john fave and have been tying leaders since 1986. usually tie around 5000 per year. some of the previous years as high as 10,000. have built a lot of leaders. i would think some of you have used these. no matter what card was inserted. if you unwrapped 2 small red pieces of twist ties that bind the leader. i tied it.

with best regards------------------------------john fave
5,000 to 10,000 leaders a year?
If I might ask, just who do tie all those for?
5,000 to 10,000 leaders a year?
If I might ask, just who do tie all those for?
tied for, murray's fly shop, spruce creek outfitters, uncle foes woodshed. kettle creek, fran better fly shop, pa outdoor wharehouse, indiana angler, pittsbugh rod and reel, troutfitter, trout unlimited, aa outfitters, and more
hope i am getting through from pitt i tied for ----its been a long time ago rod and reel i believe packed in a white card pittsburgh rod and reel