

Jan 2, 2008
Well i have a little problem. I am up to my eye brows with wollies, bead headed & thoarx beaded pheasant tailed nymphs, and pheasant tailed nymphs(because i am out of beads). Where should i or how should i store them? i have one of those pocket size fly boxes but that ain't big enough any more and i don't see it very pheasable to buy any more boxes or bring so many of the same fly to the creek with me. i can see leaving the majority of them in my truck but in what. i rephrase that i do need more fly boxes but not so many to store all year around in and in my truck. also i am pretty new at this i started tying last year at this time, but the world stops for archery season!!!! so i don't have a year under my belt. What other patterns are good for beginers, that will catch fish. I would rather not waste my time on something that is not going to catch fish though i have three good books one fron ll bean,one from jack dennis and one from the kit (that one Sucks). besides the patterns i mentioned above i tyed about 15 different color and size Micky Finns at least 2 of everyone. also i am out of beads how do i go about purchasing more i know to go to a fly shop or online, but size and hole size. How does that work? Actually thread too. See i bought a WASP fly tying kit last year and i am startin to run out of stuff. i know about Hackle, Hairs, dubbing, marabou, materials Etc. its easily understood kinda. but as for the condiments i am cornfused, Hooks, thread, beads, tinsel, etc. As for the Kit well the vise is good enough for now, some of the feathers and material are poor quality, i can notice a difference with that Hackle and Hackle i have bought, and other materials also, but to start with it is fine with me, 40% of the flies i tie either get the razor blade then start over if i can't unwind them , also it took me 3 months to figure out how to use a whip finisher so it worked everytime. sometimes it worked and sometimes i was a hook with a pile of stuff on it the next day. sans buying more fly boxes:altoids tins

2.patterns other than pheasant tails that are good for beginners
and also catch fish: prince nymphs.elk hair caddis,soft hackles,
hare's ears,scuds,and of course green weenies.

3where to buy more stuff:go to your nearest fly shop.

good luck and welcome .
For storage of flies, I use to use a cheap nut/bolt storage thing with the slide out containers from the hardware dept. They are like $10 at walmart/k-mart, and the one I got has 64 compartments. I labled each compartment with a label stating which backup flies are in the bins.

All patterns work, especially if fished with a good presentation.

Most fly shops and online catalogs have a bead to hook conversion charts.
cabelas has a great deal on plno boxes either 1 1/2 in. or 2 in. high, check them out, i bought the deal for the shop..
I use those small plastic boxes for nuts, bolts, etc. I take my label maker and label them: march browns, hendricksons, sulphers, terrestrials, olives, etc. The sulpher box is biggest!

I tie and stock the boxes. Then when I go fishing I restock my fly boxes from them.

And yes, when I go fishing I bring every fly that I own in the universe with me. Never want to get caught short!
try these;
that middle on is a wal-mart box for screws and nuts and stuff i was lookin at it today it is 12 bucks it has 30 drawers. i also am lookin for something to keep my materials in i was thinking a takle box but i havenot found one i was looking for mybe you can help me mabe in the wrong section of the store or wrong kind of store. i was thinking of something like the top half of a craftsman tool box. u know the big one with wheels but the top half with the lit and a big compartment and with individual drawers or full size drawers with compartments or like a mail slot shelving with drawers though basically some thing with at least 2 size drawers. one biggenough for Hackel to fit in and one small enoughfor hooks or beads or **** pins or 3" wide.
I store a lot of my materials in those plastic organizers that have the slide out drawers and are meant for paper and office supplies.
I have a large one ($8) for hackle and store my different presized hackles (whiting 100's) in a accending order, each with its own slot.
I use some of the smaller models ($5) to store dubbing, chennelle, vernelle, synthetics, peacock, partridge, tubing, an on.
I have a thread holder (walmart $8) that store 64 spools of thread, This hold all my thread, ribbing, wire, rod wrapping thread, an on. I have a small threas spool holder fo all my back up thread, wire, ribbing.
Hooks, I store in lure boxes, the ones that have fixed dividers. In the bottom of each bin I labled, with adhesive lables what model the hooks are. I have 4 boxes for hooks (dries, nymphs, special nymphs (curved and extra long), and a box for streamer hooks.
Then I have a box for beads. It is a 12 compartment for beads, in it is 3 sizes of gold and copper, 2 sizes of black, 1 bead chain eyes, 2 cone heads (gold and black), and 1 for tunsten.
The rest of my stuff is stuck an a shelf on my desk in marks zip top bags.

This is how I organize, hope I gave you at least one good suggestion.
all of mine are planoe boxes hold 36 different flies in each...cost 7.00 at cabelas, buy 6 get the 7 one free...36.00 for the set i think
stanley makes a tool box perfect for and yellow plastic, rollers and a handle..i have on i use for shows..
To answer all my questions, that i should have asked in the begining is sould it be stored in an air tight containment? mothes and stuff will eat it. also i have found some turkey and pheasant tails threw my days a field now can i just use them or do i have to treat them, if so with what? also can i sub turkey tails for pheasant tails in the nymph? Pheasant tailed nymph that is.
I'm not big on treating my hackle and feathers.
Turkey can be substituted for pheasant, but then I guess it wouldn't be a PT nymph. It would look different, but it would be effective.
I use the plastic shoe boxes that I got from Wal-Mart. I use index cards that correspond with the number on the box that lists the contents.

Best Fishes
For storage I use plano boxes for small materials, like small spools of antron and angora or small pieces of fur and chenille.

For my large strung feathers and elk and deer hair I use binders with the plastic pocket sheets. I line these up on the shelf and can easily see what is in them from the labels on the bind.

for hackle, synthetics and marabou, I use something I got from work that looks like over sized test tubes with lids. There are 36 of them and they come with a holder. They work great because they have an erasable label area and are about 6 inches deep. I wish I could find where my work buys these from because I sure would like some more.

As for flies, I use fly boxes but I do plan to get one of the wall mount nut and bolt holders for the utility room so I can I have a restock area that isn't the back of my car!

this is what i use, moth balls in all containers with naturals...