Stop the Snake talk!!



Active member
Feb 7, 2012
Was out splashing around the local stream last week and must admit was a little apprehensive about crawling around on my hands and knees to get the ideal approach. I normally have no fear of snakes - actually find them very interesting, but suddenly the thought of fangs in my body has impacted my ability to fish!!! Thanks Forum!! :-x
Fishing with my son, I tripped over a stump and fell face first in the grassy area near the creek. A rather large snake, which I don't believe was poisonous, must have been inches from my partial face-plant. It scurried away before I could really ID it, but my son laughed after he stopped pooping himself. I was not even aware of the proximity of the snake to my face until he pointed it out as it scurried away, just a foot or so from me.
I'm always on the look out for snakes when I'm fishing. The thing is, I've had more snake encounters this year in my own yard and garage than I have on the water. I had an old roll of carpet in my garage up in a loft. I carried it down the ladder and unrolled it only to discover a large black snake. Had a friend recently find a timber rattler in his garage. Just be on the look out. They can be anywhere!
I'm pretty paranoid of snakes now when fishing, especially brookie streams. About 3 years ago, me and my brother dId a 2 night backpacking trip in a wild area in Sproul sf. During our hike out, we were both constantly looking ahead on the trail for snakes (we saw a rattler during the hIke in). On the way out, we rounded a corner on the trail to a particular scenic section (small stream w/ short waterfalls, moss everywhere, steep terrain etc., just beautiful) and I briefly lost my focus on the trail ahead. Just seconds after that, I heard my brother yell behind me. It startled me, and I jumped backwards, thinking there was a snake in front of me. As it turns out, my brother yelled after I had already stepped over the snake, and when I jumped backwards, I literally hopped back over it. When I looked back, I saw a large rattler coiled up on the trail, roughly 6 inches in diameter and 6 feet long. My brother looked like he saw a ghost. He said I literally stepped directly over it, and then jumped back over it again.
Wow!! My deer camp is in Sproul. Must admit I've never seen any there?? Though I'm rarely there in the summer.
I dreamed about snakes last night. I wonder what Freud would say.
The most common snake a fly fisherman (or fisherman for that matter) is likely to encounter is the harmless northern water snake. While their disposition can be a bit temperamental at times, they are completely harmless. I can understand though how all the "snake chatter" has lodged a seed in the back of your brain with regards to streamside encounters :-D
I don't like spiders either and most of them are harmless, even the ones that crawl in and out of your mouth while you sleep.

Saying that, I keep spiders around because flying insects are generally more annoying, and I tolerate snakes because they keep me from having mice in the house.
A, the name of the thread is stop the snake talk, yet the conversation continues... :lol:

Be careful what you wish for, I guess.

I think about rattlers all the time this time of year around the stream I'm very gun shy
Freud would probably say, "you wish you were bigger"
We encountered a few snakes this weekend while fishing.

On Friday, I saw a little water snake and my girlfriend heard a rattle snake. I didnt see it or hear it but she was about 10 yards up stream from me and started crying and came running down the stream like a crazy person.

On Sunday, I saw 2 more water snakes.
I was fishing the Upper Delaware when I stopped for a wild mushroom snack. Shortly thereafter I saw an enormous snake that may or may not have been a Titanoboa. THis invasive species has been spotted in NY:

It seems even drift boats are not safe!
foxfire wrote:
Wow!! My deer camp is in Sproul. Must admit I've never seen any there?? Though I'm rarely there in the summer.

Sproul has a very healthy population of Timber Rattlesnakes. So if you are there during the summer make sure to keep both eyes open!
Yes, there are rattlers in Sproul. I've seen 2 in recent years, and another about 10 years ago.

On opening day of rattler season (I hadn't know about that) we saw 3 groups of "snakers" (my term for snake hunters) all out on a gravel service road along a power line cut in Sproul. The total number of snakers was probably between 15 and 20.

Just ordered a pair of Turtleskin Gaiters minutes ago!! Will be in Sproul end of September!! At what temps do the rattlers go back to dens for their long winter's nap?!?!?!?
foxfire wrote:
Just ordered a pair of Turtleskin Gaiters minutes ago!! Will be in Sproul end of September!! At what temps do the rattlers go back to dens for their long winter's nap?!?!?!?

Gaiters are a good idea, especially if you are like me and get enamored with being out in the woods and don't always look where you step.

Almost stepped on a black morph last October in Sproul on my way to set up my treestand for the evening hunt.

It wasn't even a warm day, just sunny and it was under a log.

It rattled and I about jumped out of my boots.
Gaiters can help reduce risks.

But also be careful when reaching with hands and arms.

Such as reaching into a woodpile to get a piece of firewood. Or climbing up a steep slope and reaching up for a handhold.

Rattlers strike when suddenly startled. Either by an arm or a leg suddenly coming at them.
