Stony Creek Derby


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2006
Day 1 was today, if anyones interested in a view.

what is the sory behind this tournament? Does the PFBC stock it? What do they stock? That one fish looked huge, what was it?
I love the people talking.

"like some that come with babies. 8month -10 month old babies. Babies aint going to be able to fish."

"I aint going to be fly fishing in a down pour, %@# fly-fishing in a monsoon."

That place shows everything I hate about trout season........except the smiles on the kids reeling in the fish.

Why do the adults even bother :roll:
Looks like a redneck derby to me. Sorry if anyone is proud to be a redneck.
Yea, exactly the kind of place I DON'T want to be unless it's for my kids. Just curious though, who runs it? PFBC? private club? Looked like some pretty nice sized fish. Sal, thanks again! I took my wife up there today without the fly-rod, she's quite the photographer and I wanted to share the beauty of that place with her and her camera. She LOVED it! Got some really nice shots too.
No problem man!

I always wanted to go and get pics when the woods are in full green. That area looks so lush around the stream this time of year.
Glad to hear she loves it too. I remember one year I took a very good friend of mine fishing there. We hiked up the trib. and climbed up on the mountain. We brought a six pack and just sat there for 2 hours. Its amazing watching the sun, it comes through that small ravine making a million shades of green through the tree leaves.

We hardly even fished 🙂

Enjoy it man, that stream is a real beauty.
I almost left with nothing to say after watching that video... almost. Boy does that look relaxing! AND, the only thing funnier than the audio is a post from WV busting on rednecks. Now that's funny.
I'm not from WV I just live here. I'm aloud to bust on rednecks. They drive me crazy🙂
I liked the "8 pount tiger trout" comment I heard in the clip.

Nice camera work though Mute. That camera of yours takes some good footage!