


Jun 19, 2008
Killing some time after mauling the "Turducken" we had for dinner this afternoon. Thought I'd start a thread about stoneflies. What's everyone's general go to stone? I'm posting my 2 favorites that I tied last night. Brown and a golden, size 10. Never tried weaving, but if anyone has a nice pic for an example, I'd love to see. Gonna work on some smaller ones for the winter, maybe some 14 and 16. Gonna give these a shot tomorrow at the breeches (well above the regs section). Looking forward to the variety of patterns everyone uses.

Tails - biots
Back/wingcase - mottled oak thinskin
Rib- copper or gold wire sm
Abdomen - yellow/olive UV dubbing or brown/olive UV dubbing
Thorax - same as above
Legs - Partridge
Tungsten Bead
Lead/thread underbody

Feel free to be critical... Always looking for feedback


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Sweet stones! My personal favorite as a searching nymph if they are present in the water. I generally don't downsize them in winter in fact I tend to supersize them if the conditions are right . On my cell right now,can't post a pic.
I like it!! I will give them a tie this weekend when it is cold and windy.
Thanks for sharing.
Here's my copy next to the real deal


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Thanks wwheff! Heron, that's an awesome pic. Right on the money with size! I've really been on this stonefly trip the last few days, I really enjoy tying them lol. Not sure if they are there, but I'm getting ready to make my way over to yellow breeches in Cumberland Co. to see if I can get a nice brown to eat one haha. Hope everyone in the PAFF community had an exceptional Turkey Day.
odizz17 wrote:
Not sure if they are there, but I'm getting ready to make my way over to yellow breeches

Yep, large stones are in Yellow Breeches, although they're not numerous. My informal bug surveys seem to reveal more of them than in the past but they still aren't as numerous as what you'd find upstate.

Nice flies BTW
Yea, that's some good looking bugs you have there, nicely done. I'm going to tie some of those and take them for a swim I do believe. Did you use a marker on the abdomen or is that a dub blend? Thanks for sharing.
Here is a video that helps with the technique. I have played with this and will try and post pictures later.

? 8:33? 8:33
Dec 2, 2009
Lv2nymph, I use a mix of yellow ice dub and a small amount of light olive UV dub. Just really enough to give it that "spark" look when the light hits it. For the back and wingcase, I use mottled bustard thin skin. Just tie it in after u tie in the tails. Tie off over the abdomen and rib it. Gives an awesome contrast on the gold stone.

Also tried them on the breeches yesterday. Beautiful day to be out and didn't see one person all day. Fished a few miles above allenberry. Nothing ate the stones... Bummer. Did hit double digits with only 1 being a stocker. All but one came on a size 14 hares ear i tie. This was the second time I've ever fished this creek. Is this normal for yellow breeches? If so, it's a remarkable fishery. Took some pics to share...


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Alright thanks, nice pics. I've only fished the breeches once for a short time years ago ( too big of a hurry to get to the letort to get skunked)so no help from me on that one.
Some woven body stones


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You dream weaver you. Nice, they workin for ya?
Yea not sure why but if you google woven stone fly nymph a video comes up from TPO for Alan Barthelemy's pattern and he gives some good tips on the technique
"You dream weaver you" LMFAO! I really like the woven look for the abdomen, thanks for the pic! Love2fish, I found that video you were referring to. Gonna tie some up this weekend, I'll post a few pics when I'm done. Thanks again