Stones on Tour



Active member
Apr 1, 2009
NO Not those stones , the ones the locals here call "yellow sallies" they are everywhere this year and the trout just love 'em . They are small 16 = 18 but tie in a nice bright yellow downwing of z-lon a yellow body and yellow hackle and have at 'em. And it won't cost $300.00 a trip to see 'em either. GOOD LUCK!!!
Yeah mike we are seeing lots and lots of yellows and lime all over the water laying eggs. No fish taking them tho that I could see.
Big golds are out too
Good one Fred........this would have been #8 except for4 the $$$
I have had good luck with the yellow/lime sallies or a small stimulator when twitching it across the surface. I get a good amount of strikes even if trout are targeting other flies that are hatching at the same time.
IT doesn't matter if you see trout taking the yellow sallies, because if you tie one on the trout will take them. It usually doesn't matter this time of the year if you see the flies, because the trout will take them because they look like flies they eat.
Chaz.........u got it friend they know they r there and they will take them. One thing i'll throw in here is remember that stoneflies don't hatch thw way caddis and mayflies do , they crawl out of the water to hatch it's the return dance to lay eggs that attracts the fish.