Stonefly Nymphs



May 13, 2010
Here's my situation:

I've been wanting to tie some stoneflies, but I have no idea where to start. I've looked up some patterns on youtube, but they aren't what I'm looking for. I am not a fan of chenille.

I want a pattern that ISN'T a quick and easy stonefly pattern and that will work on the Little J/Penns etc...

So lay it on me. Give me a challenge!
Loren Williams had an AWESOME stone fly nymph pattern. He switched his site and he's in the process of porting the old tutorials over to the new site. If you email him, or send him a message on Facebook, he'll put up the tutorials as people request them.

All his tutorials rock.
Drone Stone. Woven, rubber leg stonefly, with a bead head. Most productive pattern I have fished.

Are stoneflies effective on the little J? I've never tried them there as I hadn't heard of stones on the J nor seem any shucks.
I've seen shucks, yes. If you wander around the rocks under the Route 45 bridge in Spruce Creek, sometimes the rocks are covered in shucks. I've seen golden stone shucks in the Barree section also.

Whether they're effective, it's yet to be seen. I'll have to tie some and find out!
goch, stumbled across this today...

definitely not quick or easy...
Oh wow, that looks amazing! I already bought some other stuff though, and I'm waiting on the tungsten beads in the mail to start tying. If they turn out OK, I'll put up some pics.
I kind of mixed and matched some of the parts I liked from a couple different versions, but I've settled on:

Biots for the tails
Weave of black and brown for the abdomen (Black on top)
Swiss straw for the wing cases
Rubber legs for the legs(duh) and antenna
then just black dubbing.

I got some thin skin and such that I'll play around with the wing cases and a bunch of other random things. I'm hoping they look sick. If they do, I'll be making some golden stoneflies for penns. :D
Here is the drone stone
The drone stone is awesome. I'd definitely tie some of those. I have quite a few pics and recipes for stones on my blog. Link is in my signature below.

I been fishing this pattern all year and have done well with. It makes a great point fly. I fished it on the Little J during the high water and did very well. I also fished it on Spring and the Little Lehigh and had people look at me like I had 3 heads when I told them I was doing well with a stone fly.
that link doesn't take you to a video
It works fine for me!
it just takes me to a profile page or something. I don't get a video for some reason. could you try to post it again?
Agreed. It just takes you to an ill-formatted profile page.
Try this one;
Here is a stone fly I have been playing around with. It works pretty good. I caught quite a few trout on it and all the strikes were hard. I didn't get to try it out for steelhead because I came up with it after they had moved back into the lake.


  • Huricane Stone 001.JPG
    Huricane Stone 001.JPG
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Is that just foam? Seems like a good idea as it would be soft and fish would be slower in spitting it out.
Its a vinyl type material I came up with. Its all one piece. All you have to do is dub the under side and rib. Its an easy tie that looks pretty real. Here is a picture of the back of the fly.


  • Huricane Stone 002.JPG
    Huricane Stone 002.JPG
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I tie two styles of goldens to fish with and they both seem to work the same. I like using ultra wire for the bodies because it adds extra weight.

Golden Stone Nymph
Hook: 8 to 12, 3x or 4x long nymph (TMC200 shown)
Bead: Gold, Tungsten or brass (optional)
Underbody: Lead wire to match hook wire dia. tied on sides of hook to create flat underbody.
Tails: Goose biots, yellow with brown sharpie highlights
Body: Ultra wire, yellow and amber
Thorax: LifeCycle, stonefly yellow
Legs: Goose biots, yellow with brown sharpie highlights
Wingcase: Thin Skin, Mottled Oak, Golden Stone

Golden Stone Nymph (simple)
Hook: 8 to 12, 3x or 4x long nymph (TMC200 shown)
Bead: Gold, Tungsten or brass (optional)
Underbody: Lead wire to match hook wire dia. tied on sides of hook to create flat underbody.
Tails: Goose biots, yellow with brown sharpie highlights
Body: Ultra wire, yellow and amber
Thorax: LifeCycle, stonefly yellow
Legs: Goose biots (2), yellow with brown sharpie highlights

Good Luck, Tony



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