stonefly dries



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
I tie a decent stonefly nymph, however I saw a post about seeing some hatches of little black stones now, and also see them early on in the season on a few local streams. Can someone help me with a dry pattern?

Any pictures would be appreciated (I'm a visual learner)
I use a fluttering caddis pattern for my stonefly dries, and it has worked quite well - when the fish are taking them on the top.
The recipe for a black stonefly:

dark gray dubbing body
dark gray deerhair - tied tentwing style
about 3 turns of gray hackle for the collar

Sorry, but can't post a picture right now
I just color some deer hair with a sharpie and tie a no hackle elk hair caddis. Tie the wing very full and dub a fatter body. It'll need gink due to the fatter body and no hackle.
I don't have a pic because I don't have the camera for it, but I think I can describe what I tie: A black body with a grizzly palmered hackle. Use light dun CDC for the downwing.
I just tie a black flat-wing caddis but with swiss straw for the wing...
Dub body approp color
Hackle either palmered under the wing or just wound at head.
Wing is teal or mallard flank in approp color
I use two patterns, for the little black stone # 18 or # 20 I use a deer hair caddis with a black body and the darkest wings out of deer hair that I have. For the # 14 I use a Henryville Special pattern tied all black. Both wokr very well, especially if you cast upstream and skitter them back toward you.