stolen rod



New member
Sep 18, 2006
in bethlehem area,
9' 5wt 2 piece "little lehigh" versitex rod, okuma reel, white fly line, in a db dun case, also has my name on the rod
any help would be appreciated!

That's bad news. I am sorry. Question: Where was it stolen from? Were you parked at the stream? If so, which one? Check ebay and craigs list.

illick's mill area of the monocacy, i checked the local pawn, ebay, but not craig's list, thanks bruno
wow that sucks. so sorry man, i hope you have another rod to fish with in the mean time.ill let all the fly fisherman i know just in case they hear anything, you know our world is a small one. just some advice, i would check consignment shops and local fly shops also. hope you get it back, tough break. :-(
Trico - Sorry to hear that news. I fish there from time to time also, and I'll keep my eyes peeled for ya. That is a nice rod, very unique, and should be easy to spot. Pretty hefty chunk of change to lose as well. My advice is to let Rod at the fly shop know about it, and also file a police report with the BPD. Download some photos of the rod on the LLFS website, and also pics of the reel and case (may have to get those from the mfg. website) to give to the police for the report. This just plain stinks! Good Luck - you never know what may turn up however, and if the police have no report and do recover the stuff, you won't know........Ed
That sucks really bad,I would want to rip someone's head off if it happen to me . But how did it get stolen? Did you leave it out? Was it taken from your car? Is the place were it was taken a bad area.I would appreciate if you could tell us any information you can , so this kind of thing dosen't happen again to any of us.
Dear trico,

I'm sorry to hear about that. I'm just curious so please don't take these questions the wrong way but how did it get stolen? Was your vehicle broken into? Did you set it down to walk into the woods to take care of some business and return to find it gone? Did you set it on the roof of your car and forget about it? Did someone actually physically confront you and steal it?

Again, I'm not trying to upset you with these questions. I've never considered trout streams to be high crime areas and maybe some background on what happened and how it happened will serve as a warning for other folks to be more careful.

Tim Murphy :)
no offence taken on any of the questions.
the rod was taken out of my soft top jeep (the zippers are easier to defeat than i thought!). i was fishing my 3 wt at the time, and it was in the parking lot right on illick's mill rd, down stream from the actual damn. i never worried about it being in my jeep b/c #1 that's not a bad area, and #2 a spining rod i can see any one walking off w/ but you need to know how to fly fish to use a fly rod, and i really can't see a fellow flyfisherman walking off w/ it.
i didn't bother w/ a police report b/c i work in ems, and know bpd isn't going to look for it, and more importantly i have a $500 deductable on my home owner's (the rod reel and line is less than that)
i appreciate all the responses.
Trico, Sorry to hear that I had a similar experience on Spring Creek in 2005 at the Benner Springs parking area some jacka$$ took my Orvis tube out of the vehicle I was driving. He probably thought he would get a rod but but I had it with me. It had to be a flyfisher cause there was a chainsaw and all kinds of tools in there from a lumber show we were at in State College and they weren't touched. The nerve of some people,I know what I would like to do to them. Hope you find it.
Dear trico,

That's even worse than I thought. I see soft top Jeeps all the time and I've never once thought about unzipping one to see what was inside.

I guess the only consolation is that if you had a hard covered vehicle and somebody wanted to steal something a thief would figure out a way. A buddy had his SUV broken into on the Delaware while fishing at Basket Creek, NY a couple of years ago. They put a rock though a window and took a camera, a couple of rods and reels, and HIS DUFFEL BAG OF CLOTHES!

I hope the thief's house burns down on Christmas Eve!

Tim Murphy :)
i didn't bother w/ a police report b/c i work in ems, and know bpd isn't going to look for it, quote]


Fill out the report. If you fill out the report and the police catch they person in another crime they will have documentation that the item in their possesion is yours. You may get the rod back if that person gets caught stealing something else. Athief is a thief and will steal again. Hopefully that person gets caught stealing something else.

I myself was a "victim" of a theif today. Someone stole my mail this evening and the kids on the block strated yelling and chasing the guy. He dropped some of it. The police know who they guy is and it should work out ok.. Anyway

You experienced my nightmare scenario so I offer my sympathy. I fish that spot as well and park there too so now I am apprehensive. You're lucky you weren't at Saucon Park, they would have stolen your whole car!

Was the rod in sight?

Unfortunately, parked cars by a fishing location USUALLY contain goodies and the #@)*^$ know it so vigilance is in order.

I can offer these few tips after the "barn burned down":

I ALWAYS make sure to keep everything out of sight. While not a guarantee someone won't break in just to see what's in my car; it makes it less temping. I used to live in NYC and learned this the easy way.

I also keep my trunk closed as much as possible while suiting up so the bad guys don't see what's in the trunk.

Get a hard top or do something about those zippers. While a lock won't guarantee that someone won't slit the top, that would be a lot more obvious than just unzipping it.

Get a car alarm and a gun; if the alarm goes off...

...start shooting!

BTW what color is the rod? If I see someone fishing with it and you hear about a dead guy found floating in the Monocasy, PM me.
Bruno wrote

I myself was a "victim" of a theif today. Someone stole my mail this evening and the kids on the block strated yelling and chasing the guy. He dropped some of it. The police know who they guy is and it should work out ok..

Dude, that could be serious. This is the age of Identity theives. Check your credit report and report the theft to your Bank Card companies. :-o
i really can't see a fellow flyfisherman walking off w/ it.

I always think of my fellow flyfishers as being a cut above where this sort of thing is concerned. Afterall, I've had so many positive experiences fly fishing. Guys who take time from thier own fishing to give tips, trade flies or give directions. There seems to be a real generousity of spirit among fly fishers.

Then again, I've gotten to know a few shop owners and some fly fishers have fingers as light as anyone. The plus side is, I think they are few and far between.

Good luck with getting the rod back! I'll be rootin' for ya.
It may not have been a fly angler. You don't need to be a fly angler to know that fly rods can be expensive. and you don't have to be a fly angler to recognize a good quality one, either. think about it. Guns are a hot item with thieves as well, and many of those thieves don't hunt. They just know they are easy to unload.

File the police report, then check and see if it is covered under your home onwers policy and your auto insurance policy. Usually contents are covered by one or the other or both, and a police report will help you with that. It won't replace the rod or any sentimental value, but it might take some of the sting out of it.