Stocking for a local sportsmens club 4/11



Jan 6, 2014
I help stock fish out of the laurelly fork hatchery in local clinton county streams this coming Saturday (week before season)

Extending the invite to meet up if anyone has a youth fisherman that would like to help stock. I know some kids like to get fired up helping and being part of the process.

Best thing about stocking this saturday is that once were done stocking the youth are able to fish.

^ Sounds good.

Can you post details and/or a link for those that want to participate?
I will try to get a detailed list if possible.. these guys are pretty low key as far as advertising it (not on purpose) I do know that they have guys meet at the laurelly fork hatchery at 7am saturday morning. Thats as much info as i know.. I may be getting a tank on my truck if the usual people dont show up. I'll make a phone call, thanks
For those wondering, these are all being stocked on ATW's no wildnerness streams or WTS :)

Just don't stock them in YWC, this is a wild trout stream decimated by hatchery stocking.
I've seen that hatchery, and at the time it was an abomination.
SlingerFlyRods wrote:
For those wondering, these are all being stocked on ATW's no wildnerness streams or WTS :)

What streams to do they stock?
troutbert wrote:
SlingerFlyRods wrote:
For those wondering, these are all being stocked on ATW's no wildnerness streams or WTS :)

What streams to do they stock?

The ones i know off the top of my head.
Baker Rn
Cooks Rn
Left Hand YWC
Hyner Rn
Right Hand Hyner Rn

i'm typically gone with the Cooks run truck so i dont know exactly where they all do in fact supply
Chaz wrote:
Just don't stock them in YWC, this is a wild trout stream decimated by hatchery stocking.
I've seen that hatchery, and at the time it was an abomination.

How long has it been Chaz? just wondering because as of this past year i thought they have been doing a pretty good job.. somewhere to the tune of 12k fish.. a few years back some vandalism was done and left some undesirable conditions and ultimately setbacks for the club.

Wondering if that was the time you had seen it thats all..
SlingerFlyRods wrote:
troutbert wrote:
SlingerFlyRods wrote:
For those wondering, these are all being stocked on ATW's no wildnerness streams or WTS :)

What streams to do they stock?

The ones i know off the top of my head.
Baker Rn
Cooks Rn
Left Hand YWC
Hyner Rn
Right Hand Hyner Rn

i'm typically gone with the Cooks run truck so i dont know exactly where they all do in fact supply

All of these are ATWs, approved trout streams.

But they are also all WTS (wild trout streams.) They are all on the reproduction list.

I suppose I considered a true wilderness stream one such as hammersly where there is indeed no stocking at all. I know this is an touchy subject, I just try to help the club and get kids involved for stocking parts of streams that the state is already doing.

I'm sure there is natural repro on all streams to some extent. Until there's a stop to stocking all together or a better plan I'm going to help stock for the club In these few streams.

If it were up to me I would let nature take its course. If guys like me don't show up to help stock, let's just say some places on streams get a FEW more buckets at their favorite hole and the guys that show up with kids wonder where all the fish are.
Baker Rn
Cooks Rn
Left Hand YWC
Hyner Rn
Right Hand Hyner Rn

These are all good wild trout streams that should not be stocked.

A great place for them to stock their entire hatchery output would be in Kettle Creek, from the lowest point the PFBC stocks, below the "recreation dam", down to the mouth of Two Mile Run.

That section is not on the wild trout list. And it is in the state forest, so access is assured. And there is a road paralleling it. And it's scenic.

All these stocked wild trout streams would benefit from ending stocking. And they could create new fishing opportunities in that section of Kettle Creek.

Since you know these guys, ask them (politely) about it.

During the Trout Summit back in the 1990s I talked to some of the younger guys in Western Clinton Sportsmen and these guys fished Spring, Fishing and Penns Creek in the wild trout areas, and they supported managing them for wild trout. So, they know about this stuff.

I would ask for sure. I enjoy fishing that stretch on kettle you had mentioned in the summer for bass.

I am 99% sure I will be met with opposition from the start because at first glance it appears all of the guys involved want their fish in their creeks they fish. And they feel they are doing a good thing.

I'm kind of in the if you can't beat em join em stage at this point (for nkw)