


May 7, 2009
I caught a nice brown in the Little Lehigh. I think that it is a very nice but stocked brown trout. What do you guys think? The lack of blue spots and slight wear on the fins makes me believe it's stocked.



Has some traits of both. Overall, leans wild IMO.
The red on the adipose and red edges on the caudal fin make me think that's a wild brown. No eye spot, but I still think wild.
wildtrout2 wrote:
The red on the adipose and red edges on the caudal fin make me think that's a wild brown. No eye spot, but I still think wild.

I'd agree with this.^

Tough call on this one....but I'd vote wild too.
it was my best ever Little Lehigh brown trout.
I'm squarely in the wild camp on that one. Beautiful fish...nice work there.
I vote hatchery parents but in the stream for a very long time. From a very young age.
Leaning stocked holdover. Nice looking fish.

Fins and tail not quite right for wild. Wild would be larger and more transparent. No eye spot.
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
Leaning stocked holdover. Nice looking fish.

Fins and tail not quite right for wild. Wild would be larger and more transparent. No eye spot.
If you look at the last pic of that brown, you will notice that you can see the net through the pelvic, anal, and caudal fins. They couldn't be much more transparent.
I'm going with wild. I catch wild browns without the blue eye spot all the time.