Steelhead Preview on Twenty Mile Creek

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For all of you already enjoying or getting ready to hit the Erie tributaries for Steelhead fishing, here is a quick video of some action on Twenty Mile Creek. Thanks to 1BurtonBoy1 on You Tube for the video production...rock on!
God I hate Boston.
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God I hate Boston.
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God I hate Boston.
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I didn't see any directions included. Relax, superhero.

As for the video, it made me want to drive north.
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I didn't see any directions included. Relax, superhero.

As for the video, it made me want to drive north.
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I didn't see any directions included. Relax, superhero.

As for the video, it made me want to drive north.
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Agreed... no spot burning there what so ever.

I did VERY well last year in November when it was low and clear like that. Hope the conditions are right next week to land some of those beauts. Can't wait!
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Agreed... no spot burning there what so ever.

I did VERY well last year in November when it was low and clear like that. Hope the conditions are right next week to land some of those beauts. Can't wait!
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Agreed... no spot burning there what so ever.

I did VERY well last year in November when it was low and clear like that. Hope the conditions are right next week to land some of those beauts. Can't wait!
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OOOHHHH, he laid it in the grass!

Wish I could go this year. I had planned on it. Looks like I'll miss it again thanks to limited funds from being layed off.
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OOOHHHH, he laid it in the grass!

Wish I could go this year. I had planned on it. Looks like I'll miss it again thanks to limited funds from being layed off.
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OOOHHHH, he laid it in the grass!

Wish I could go this year. I had planned on it. Looks like I'll miss it again thanks to limited funds from being layed off.
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thanks, dave. the 20 mile access points have been slammed with crowds ever since you posted this freakin' thing - unfreakin' believable. never seen it so bad. worse than walnut and elk. no spot burning? cripes, there isn't that much water.
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thanks, dave. the 20 mile access points have been slammed with crowds ever since you posted this freakin' thing - unfreakin' believable. never seen it so bad. worse than walnut and elk. no spot burning? cripes, there isn't that much water.
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thanks, dave. the 20 mile access points have been slammed with crowds ever since you posted this freakin' thing - unfreakin' believable. never seen it so bad. worse than walnut and elk. no spot burning? cripes, there isn't that much water.
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This video was originally linked from the Reports page a week before Dave posted it here. I highly doubt it showing up on had anything to do with crowds at Twenty Mile. Are people angry at Delorme for including the stream in their maps too? Don't look on the PFBC site either, because (gasp), Twenty Mile is linked from there too and has a description and shows parking spots!

Just thought I'd throw in that there are fish in Elk Creek too! Sorry to spot burn. I heard there is also a creek called Walnut which gets an occasional steelhead or two and sometimes even a brown trout.
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This video was originally linked from the Reports page a week before Dave posted it here. I highly doubt it showing up on had anything to do with crowds at Twenty Mile. Are people angry at Delorme for including the stream in their maps too? Don't look on the PFBC site either, because (gasp), Twenty Mile is linked from there too and has a description and shows parking spots!

Just thought I'd throw in that there are fish in Elk Creek too! Sorry to spot burn. I heard there is also a creek called Walnut which gets an occasional steelhead or two and sometimes even a brown trout.
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This video was originally linked from the Reports page a week before Dave posted it here. I highly doubt it showing up on had anything to do with crowds at Twenty Mile. Are people angry at Delorme for including the stream in their maps too? Don't look on the PFBC site either, because (gasp), Twenty Mile is linked from there too and has a description and shows parking spots!

Just thought I'd throw in that there are fish in Elk Creek too! Sorry to spot burn. I heard there is also a creek called Walnut which gets an occasional steelhead or two and sometimes even a brown trout.
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