Steelhead Jam Recap



Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
SW PA, Greensburg
Thanks to Ryfiguy for again organizing the Steelhead Jam!

I was up with my cousin Don Friday and Saturday. He and I each caught a few steelhead on Friday, and we enjoyed a fine meal at the Avonia Tavern with Gulf Greyhound, Gulf's friend Jim, and Farmer Dave.

Saturday morning found us gathered at the pavilion at Folleys End with Ryfiguy, Gulf Greyhound, Pro4mance, and Buybook. Fish were hard to find on Saturday and even harder to hook. Pro4mance, Don and I ended up skunked on Saturday.

Nice to see old and new faces and spend a day on the water!








Nice pics, Alby (also nice lanyard & custom fish glove). Sorry to miss u guys - especially you, donuts.
wish I could have made it, but looks like you boys did good, fish caught+avonia tavern+donuts=good jam!
Couldnt agree more Thanks Ryan for organizing the Jam. Thanks to Alby and Don for the help, patience, and not laughing at me too hard, JK. Had a blast even though we got skunked on Saturday but the mutant trout Alby and Don caught Saturday were 3 times the size of the chrome they caught Friday.
Went out early this morning for a while and saw some fish (yes Alby I could actually see them). Pulled a rookie move this morning when I hooked my first fish on a fly rod, when he took off I didnt take care of my line and it wrapped around the but of the rod and broke off. I had a blast and thanks again to everyone looking forward to more.
PS those waders make my *** look big
That face of mine explains my fishing on Saturday. I messed up my planning and had a Thanksgiving dinner at 4pm and couldn't fish very long. Fished Elk and 7mile with very few fish seen and not a single hookup seen all day. It was good to see some familiar faces and share the stream with Buybook.
Was anyone there sunday?....I showed up at folly's round 8:10 and it was dead...I asked every fly fisherman I passed and they all said no...anyway I can say I had the same expression on Sunday Ry...saw a ton of fish...but they didn't budge for anything...only action I has was a tail snag...the worst part of the day was two of the rudest fisherman I've ever encountered...a guy on fly...another on spinner...and myself are right outside of the shop at folly's having a good time and out of no where these two morons show up with spinners and cast over our heads...the one snagged my line....and he also snagged the guy next to me THREE TIMES...they were completely rude and I'm convinced they didn't give a damn about us and their only purpose was to annoy us and chase us out
Came up Saturday morning didn't stop at Folleys went straight to Trout run @ 6am fished till dark and had one hookup(line broke). We were gonna stop at Avonia to meet up, but we were tired, cold, and discouraged so we made the drive home. Called a few friends who stayed for Sunday and of course they killed it. They said it turned on at 11 and didn't stop. Just my luck.