Steelhead JAM attendance list



Active member
Oct 18, 2006
(details of the JAM in the events forum)

This post is to make sure that people can make arrangements with others on hotel rooms and make sure we don't leave anyone behind (especially newbies) when we meet up there. I want everyone to have someone to fish with there. So just post if you're coming, how long you're staying and if you are sharing a room, or have space in your room.

As of right now I'll just be there Saturday, but trying to work out coming up Friday afternoon and staying 1 night. Either way donuts will be tagging along for the ride.

8 weeks out. The cool weather is here and the season is upon us!
Thought I would give this post a bump as I am trying to decide if I should take Friday off or just show up after work! Based on this post and the Stealhead Jam anouncement post in the Events section (correct me if I am wrong) it doesn't seem like there is as much excitment for this event as years past!?!? I wasn't able to make the Spring Jam so since this one is in my back yard I figured I should attend and learn from the masters as I suck at stealhead fishing. Any way looking forward to hanging out with everyone as I had a blast at the Spring Jam 2011.

I think we'll still have a good turnout. Just a bit too far out. I'll either be there Friday afternoon and stay 1 night, or just come up Saturday morning for the day. It's all a matter of if I can convince my wife.

Almost 6 weeks out now. Get your plans ready.
I plan on being there thursday morning and leaving fri noonish, then I have other fun I must attend to, wish I could stay the weekend though. who knows, if conditions are good, I might be back sunday evening and fish mon and tues. Not sure where I'm staying, probably just sleep in the truck somewhere.
I can prob do sat or Sunday, though ill be driving down, I only live 40 min from elk.
Gulf and friend. Thur. pm to Sunday.
I might show up Friday, but not staying overnight because I live only about an hour away.
we amy show up thursday sometime to fish on our way to the salmon river and then again on our way home sunday
I'm not sure. If I come over, it will likely just be for a day.
I'll likely be up Friday and stay over till Saturday. I've always had a good time at these, even when the fishing was terrible.
Looking better and better...might bring my daughter...I know that is dangerous stuff...unless this is a no-girls event...We are still staying at Folley's.

Think I can swing it this year. Anyone tenting?

Newbie here, I'm planning on arriving between 10:00 am and noon on Friday and staying through Sunday. I will probably tent camp, unless a spare bed turns up.