Statewide Opening Day 2018



Feb 8, 2014
That time of year again! Been really busy with vet school so I haven't been on here too much lately at all. Getting pretty amped up to get out of the city and away from school for opening day weekend. I myself usually go up to the cabin and TRY to fish Kettle, but with the crowds I usually end up getting in the truck and going after brookies on the small tribs. What are your guys&gals plans for the opener and how do you cope with the crowds? I always say opening day of fishing season is like going to the gym on January 2nd with all the "new year new me" folks; to many of us C&R fly fishers its just another day but to everyone else its the "must fill my stringer" day :lol: :lol:
I start out at Ben's Creek just like every year, always is a good time whether or not I catch tons. Usually if the fishing is slow by lunch time I will head out to some native streams and return to Ben's for evening.
I'm going to our cabin in Potter, also fishing the tribs. No offense, hope I don't run into you! Merry Fishmas everyone!
I fish the same stream every year on the1st day. It's not stocked so no one fishes it. I usually catch a couple. Last year I called in a flock of Turkeys with a mouth call I carry and my buddy told me that the Gobbler was strutting on the bridge after I headed upstream.
instead of looking at opening day with snob colored glasses take a look around. Most are tossing the trout back. I love opening day. It's about traditions, families, friends and fishing. You see new year new me types and I see a showcase of everything good in this world.
I have no traditions on opening day but I generally go fishing. I've gone to many different locations and I've always had fun regardless. I've gone to several different stocked streams and lakes and I've also fished unstocked waters where I've seen no one. I, too, enjoy opening day. I will have to work at 12 on Saturday so I'm not sure if I am going to go fishing or just go out for a walk and enjoy the chaos.
Here is an Opening Day Thread from a week ago.

As Poop said above, opening day for some is a tradition and a time for the family and friends to get together. Many of us have fond memories of the opening day when we were kids. So it shouldn't be all that hard to relate to it and watch others get their start trout fishing.

For many, the only fishing they will ever do will be for stocked trout on opening day or early in the season. Others will go on and seek other fishing adventures close to home as well as far away places and make their fishing a lifelong pursuit.

I had as much fun starting out fishing (maybe more since I was a kid) as I do now with my specialized, advanced, elite fly-fishing I do now.
Those that have moved on to "bigger" and "better" things should always remember how it all started.
If I fish on opening day of trout, it likely won't be for trout.

Might go fishing for perch or crappie.

And if I change my mind, I'll likely go to the nearest stocked stream and keep 2 or 3.

I hate crowds, but can usually find a section or two of a stocked stream that isn't crowded.
I will be going out with a few family members on Saturday, like others have said , it's all about tradition. I am 52 and have not missed an opening day since I was 7. Over the years the faces have changed but the tradition continues for my family. On Saturday I again will be the only one of my family out with a fly rod, yep I come from a family of bait and spinner fishermen. Some of the them will be throwing their catches back , others will be taking them home. I am not even going to bring up catch and release with them because for some its all about the meat. I will fish with a few of them as the year goes on but for a lot of them this will be their only day out this year. Even though we differ in our styles it is good to be able to get out with some family and friends.
I will avoid it like a scratchy itchy disease!! I fish for the solitude and the beautiful places that wild trout usually like to live, opening day has no meaning at all for me, but good luck to those that participate!
I will go to a sportsmen's club that has a pond stocked, mainly for kids, though a few adults do fish. It has really changed my mind about the first day: It's a hoot. The fish are big, lines get tangled, but there are no harsh words, and everyone seems to have fun -- which is the point, isn't it? It is a family affair, with dads and mothers enjoying an outdoor day with their kids. Maybe it's not "my kind" of fishing, but it is a fun day for the kids and their families. Some of the big fish in the pond would "eat up" the small wild brook trout in mountain runs.

(An added bonus for me is that I always run into adults that I had as students when I taught school in that community, and it's nice to see that these guys (usually men) have turned out to be productive citizens with steady jobs.)

Anyhow, it is a good place for the official opening of trout season.
I work saturdays. And have no problem with missing opening day
I haven't been able to fish at all yet in 2018. I'm hoping to make it to the Little Juniata; if not probably will stay local and try some of the DHALO in SW PA, either Buffalo Creek or Deer Creek...
Can't wait...Nothing like watching bait containers and green Power bait float down the creek. Don't worry entitled people I will clean the trash off my land once again this year.

I really wanted to take my son (almost 3) to the KOC Annual Children's Fishing Contest in Brodhead Park on opening day. He's got a little Dock Demon he casts in the yard, but, so far, it has only had a hookless lure on the end. This was going to be his first chance to weaponize and maim other children while fishing.

Sadly, I think we have to go out of town. Gonna miss opening day entirely. I guess the other children can sleep well.
poopdeck wrote:
instead of looking at opening day with snob colored glasses take a look around. Most are tossing the trout back. I love opening day. It's about traditions, families, friends and fishing. You see new year new me types and I see a showcase of everything good in this world.

Yes sir! Fond memories & traditions, watching others make new memories & traditions, and a multitude of other reasons for being alive and enjoying the outdoors. Thankful for it all.