State to request additional water tests because of drilling



Active member
Feb 10, 2009
Additional state tests requested.

This should give us a better picture of water impacts from disposal of drilling waste water. I'd like to see testing at more of the larger intakes on the Susquehanna and Allegheny Rivers.
I think homes that have water wells need to have continued testing as well. I'm not an expert in fresh water wells, so I wouldn't know how big of an area would need to be tested, maybe 10 miles out from a drilling site? 20 miles out? might depend on the local geology. I do know they test well water in the direct vicinity of a drill site, but ground water travels and folks that are further away may be drinking junk and not know it.
the wells are getting closer to me, by the end of summer there will be gas wells within 10 miles of me. I think I will have my water tested soon, and then maybe once a month after the drilling starts.