Okay ya'll, I have been giving a lot of thought regarding starting my own conservation organization recently. This organization will solely focus on stream habitat improvement, advocating for Mifflin County's wild trout, and working with the PFBC to ensure access to waterways, enhance the fisheries, and promote some fishing tourism in my area. Anyone who follows my posts knows that I love Kish and it's tributaries a tremendous amount. It is my home and I have a tremendous amount of pride regarding the stream, its tributaries, and this region in general. I am thinking of naming the organization a general/generic name such as the Kish Creek Conservancy so people will know what the organization stands for and what our main focus point is. While the majority of my efforts will be focused on Kish and its tribs, I would like to do what I can to protect and enhance every wild trout stream in this county. Now, I know that we already fall under the Penns Creek chapter of TU, but I want something more focused and with more projects done directly.
So, with that said, what are some problems, dilemmas, things to consider, etc with my idea? I plan on meeting with an attorney at some point in the next 2 months to help me hash some of this out. Any suggestions or problems that you all can help me with would be much appreciated.
So, with that said, what are some problems, dilemmas, things to consider, etc with my idea? I plan on meeting with an attorney at some point in the next 2 months to help me hash some of this out. Any suggestions or problems that you all can help me with would be much appreciated.