Starter Vise

Aug 13, 2007
I'm going to sign up with a local outfitter to learn how to tie flies. They require that you have your own equipment, which I was hoping was not the case. I wanted to learn a little first and understand the differences between vises. I have a few gift cards from Basspro, are any of these any good for starters?

Link To Vises

For a newbie, is it better to have just a clamp or get one that has a stand? I don't need anything that is portable.
The one in the upper left is what I started with and still use for larger flies. I like it because it can rotate and lock in any position.

Just so you know, Cabelas has the same one for $16 (bass pro = $20) and they often put it on sale for $12. If you into penny pinching, even though you have a gift certificate.
IMHO go for a vise with a base. I've been tying for over 30 years and never could get into a clamp on model and 3 of my 8 vises are c-clamps and I never use them. The overwhelming majority of the guys in our club all tye on pedestal vises. Go to a fly tying or fly fishing symposium and most of the top tyers are also using pedestal vises.

For me they're just more versatile. You can lean your elbows on your tying table/bench. Push the vise farther from you, pull it closer to you, or just move it out of the way when preparing materials. The clamp-ons just aren't as versatile for postioning them for comfort, at least for me.

But regardless of your price range under $50 or over $200 a pedestal model will be a few bucks more than a c-clamp model.
I just bought the one in the upper left, its my first rotary vice, I started getting serious with my tying in the last few months. My other one was given to me by my grandpa when he stopped tying, it must be from before I was born. So far I am happy with the one in the upper left, works pretty good. It doenst come with any real instructions on how to use the rotary but I figured it out the other day while tying some buggers. BassPro also offers a pedestal stand for it for another 12 bucks. The clamp just screws off and you can place it into the base. I do not see the base on the website but they definitely have it in their store. So that brings the total to $32. I also used a gift certificate on it.
Here is a link to my old one, some of you old timers might have seen this one before🙂
Link To Vise
If you'd rather borrow one than buy one, let me know, I have one sitting here in a box doing nothing but collecting dust. I use Renzettis now but have one of those clamp models to.
Hey I would suggest going to TCO for fly tying I'm currently doing a course there and they supply all the tools and materials you need, PLUS you receive good discounts on materials, tools etc on the days your course runs, well worth a look and the instructor is really helpful when asked about which vices to buy...

May be worth checking out 🙂
good thanks, finally feel more settled 🙂 adn I can't wait to get out fishing