SRC Press Release



Active member
Sep 16, 2006
1,743 FarmerDave, my collection would be better described as a pile??
Dear Little J,

Wow, that is Presidental quality spin right there. No need to pass the facts on to the members is there? :lol:

Tim Murphy :)
OMG, that almost made me PUKE!

He's not leasing and closing trout streams, he is CONSERVING trout streams for future generations and his children to enjoy.

I guess we had it all wrong. Sorry Donnie we goofed. you can have the bed back.
With a line of BS like that no wonder so many belong didnt see any of them their doing the clean--up.
I wonder how Bill Anderson along with River association like being used in his ad??????

All I have to say is:
Lets me see here, so thats over 100 members at $5000.00 per year. Well thats a half million a year. Oh yeah, dont forget the $90,000.00 deposit multiplied by 100+. Now if said sweet, wonderful, caring conservationist were to merely collect interest on quite possibly $1,000,000.00 over a year what would that total be?
Yeah, its for the kids.
No need for boats on the lil J , it will make it a cluster like the Delaware !!!! It will impede wading anglers . ANd besides the LIL j is way too shallow . Kayakers freqeuntly bottom out ,, and have to pull the kayak , over 100yards, multiple times ....PLus the lil j has some much fishing pressure as is , it doesnt need about of people in boats drifting by and disturbing , tha already pressured fish .. Just my thoughts
WOW.. what a bunch of HOG WASH!!!
That has got to be the most nauseating piece of garbage I have ever read!!
I don't know about the rest of you, but Penn's creek sure looks Navigable to me. If it looks that way now, I'll bet it was used for navigation and commerce 200 years ago when flow rates were higher.
RangerKeen wrote:
No need for boats on the lil J , it will make it a cluster like the Delaware !!!! It will impede wading anglers . ANd besides the LIL j is way too shallow . Kayakers freqeuntly bottom out ,, and have to pull the kayak , over 100yards, multiple times ....PLus the lil j has some much fishing pressure as is , it doesnt need about of people in boats drifting by and disturbing , tha already pressured fish .. Just my thoughts

Once I drop off my passengers, I promise to move on through quickly. :p
There are so many delusional comments in this fictional account ot he facts it could be disected to infinity.

Snipped from the article...

Once the public gained access to the Espy stretch in early 2002 and began killing large fish, it was not long until the population of trophy trout diminished by an estimated 80%. "It was devastating for me to watch hundreds of three- to five-pound brown and rainbow trout being slaughtered every week. We had spent years protecting the resource, and now it was being torn down in a few short months,” said McMullen.

Yeah, I remember in 2002 when the public gained access. DB put up a 4' x 8' sign at the Spruce Creek bridge saying NO TRESSPASSINg or fishing of any kind is permitted on this property.

Hundreds slaughtered each week? Wow, I tend to exagerate a little sometimes but that is over the top. Maybe they were losing 80% of the pellet pigs because the habitat didn't support the carrying capacity for the submarine fleet. So they left for bigger water outside the Espy stretch.

Lets see Hundreds each week (200 x 52 x 5years)=50,000+ 3-5lb pellet hogs. I've caught a couple of them out of the espy stretch, none 3-5 lbs. A couple were near 17" rainbows above the church once.

So when they overstocked the Espy stretch and impacted the wild trout propagation. Then the fish move out to other parts of the river and compete with the wild pops, How is that protection the resource?

I only wonder if their clients are so gullable they believe this spew?
Well, other than being a fairly transparent attempt to put lipstick on a pig, the thing I found interesting in the release is what it doesn't say.

I don't see a word about continuing the fight in this partticular specific instance. The way it is worded makes me wonder if there any plans to appeal.

It certainly doesn't appear as if there are any such plans based on the release.

Like I say, just a lot of attempts to put lipstick on a pig..
"In a telephone interview today, Spring Ridge Club Managing Member, Donny Beaver said, “It is business as usual on the Little J at Spring Ridge Club, nothing has changed for us.”

So... does "business as usual" refer to continuing the harassment of anglers fishing the SRC section? Maybe replacing the piano wire across the river with barbed wire?

"Donny quit his regular job and devoted full time to conserving these irreplaceable waters so that his kids and grandkids would be able to enjoy the same great fly fishing that his dad and granddads introduced to him."

What about the kids who can barely afford a fishing rod? Will his "conservation" efforts (i.e. privatization efforts) save the stream for them? Not unless they can afford $50,000 fees.

Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of the State, the stretches of theis river and many other waters remain open for the PUBLIC.
After reading that thing I had to take a shower to get rid of teh slime...

Well, we now know where Bagdad Bob is now working.
(Remember the minister of PR for Hussein?)
"In the face of tons of the negative publicity, we’ve been fortunate to forge relationships behind the scenes with private landowners, public access groups like the Little Juniata River Association and the Teddy Roosevelt Conservation Partnership and some of staff and commissioners at the Fish and Boat Commission"

I wonder about these private landowners. Hopefully their just a Presidential quality spin.
God bless the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania! :)