Squrrmy Wurrmy Transverse Inchwurmz


Active member
Sep 11, 2006
I don't know how these things CAN'T wurk.
My buddy has great luck with a pink color one. I've taken a lighter and "flamed" the ends so they look more realistic.....more like worms....instead of the sharp angle cut.

Careful as this material will catch fire (flame) quickly. Don't let it "get outta hand"
Looks like a thread or dubbing base then glued on.
Yep, take one from the bass anglers; it’s just a squirmy wormy hooked up and fished “whacky-style.” Not a critique, just an observation. As you may know, I’ll fish anything that will catch fish.
I can see a thread dam on either side of the rubber on most. If there's glue, I'm interested to know what kind. Every adhesive I've put in contact with that material turns it into napalm.
Those look like tentacles off of a toy ball. If I’m correct it is a slightly different rubber than what squirmy wormy rubber is. I use the ball tentacles and have no problem glueing them directly to a hook with a layer of thread and superglue.