


Oct 26, 2006

Like fly tying heaven...

And for you xenophobe's they're made in U.S.A

Can't say enough goods thing about them, Oh, and they're all below $20.bucks...

Don't bother going through one of his dealers. Call up direct I'm told...
I'll stick with Dr. Slick and Anvil, made for tying.. and I know the work..
One drawback seems to be that you'd have to set them down to do anything else. With scissors, I sometimes can do other things without setting them down because of the rings. A+ on the naming, though.
That's just it JackM; their so easy to pick up. The extra time one saves thumb rolling would benifit in the prodution of flies being tied. I might tie 2-6 flies every other night. For me, the extra precision you get with the spring action is worth setting them down for. Sandfly I hear you. All I'll say about that is keep an open mind and give them a try. The places I fish demand the best tackle and talent I can muster. Every snip counts. All I have in this is a desire to pass on something good to some one else.