Spring Ridge Club redux?



New member
Nov 10, 2006
Don't care what you call it, a TURD is a TURD is a TURD!!!

DB is just lookin out for the little guy. You know the people who can't afford the 90 grand to join SRC, so he'll take whatever you can scrape together and let ya fish for a day or two. Funny enough
Donny Beaver and D**che Bag share the same acronym.
Coincidence? He also owns Paradise ranch right? Canned hunting at it's "finest" there.
Think about this – a SRC member paid 85K to join and pays 5K / year in fees, They probably have 100K tied up in SRC fees. You can fish the same water and use the same lodging for $375 / day fishing and $495 fishing with lodging - and that’s with a guide to bait your hook and wipe your a$$. Why would anyone invest so much $ up front? Take the 100K, invest it in an interest bearing account, and fish off the interest….you still hold on to your 100K investment. Since most of the SRC property is leased and not owned, SCR members aren’t building any equity on the property. This doesn’t add up – am I missing something? Are these people stupid……or am I?
I can't say whether the people who join SRC are stupid, but the initiation fee is refundable. Probably not the maintenance fees. I think it works much like a country club. You probably can't get whiskey in a shot glass there, either. :-D

Good analogy with a country club. But would anyone pay an initiation fee of 85K if anyone can play the course for a modest greens fee and include a caddy. Where is the exclusivity? What’s the incentive to pay all that money up front if anyone can play the course?

I’m sure SRC members get first preference for fishing rights to an area, but if I were a member, I would not be a happy camper if I wanted to fish without any advanced reservations, and the day-trippers have been booked in MY fishing spot in MY lodge.

DB is skimming from the top…..members pay the bills, and DB is getting more income from day-trippers to fish the same water. The SRC is similar to a time-share, only with a time-share, at least you have ownership in the property.

Also, I believe that the initiation fee is refundable only after the membership roster is filled 100%. Who knows when or if that will ever happen.

No exclusivity, no equity for your investment…Sounds dumb to me. Just my opinion.