Spring Creek stream work



Well-known member
Sep 1, 2010
State College
some will be interested to know that Spring Creek TU and PFBC are doing a large restoration project from upstream of the houserville rd bridge to downstream of the trout rd bridge. Those who are familiar with this stretch know that this area has erosion sites, mediocre to poor habitat and that it muds up quickly. This follows another project a year ago along rock road.

Pictures and descriptions (with videos) can be found on their Facebook page.

Good to hear. Please keep us informed.
the work done on Spring over the last decade has been fantastic. I wished places had better habitat for so many years. There still is a tremendous amount of work to do. The water quality is the best its been in a generation. The water from Bellefonte to Milesburg is big, often fast and stays cool. More habitat work would do wonders. Heck, it has grannom caddis now!

Sylvaneous wrote:
the work done on Spring over the last decade has been fantastic. I wished places had better habitat for so many years. There still is a tremendous amount of work to do. The water quality is the best its been in a generation. The water from Bellefonte to Milesburg is big, often fast and stays cool. More habitat work would do wonders. Heck, it has grannom caddis now!

It had grannom caddis in the late 1980s. How long they were there before that, I don't know. But I saw them in large numbers in the late 1980s, and from then up to the present.

From Bellefonte to the mouth.

Here's an update on the work done on Spring Creek >

Has anyone taken a look at the work? Observations? Thoughts?

I fished from The Rock downstream a good bit last Thursday- this is downstream of the work that was done. That turned out not to be such a good idea as I kicked up a good amount of some silt as walked downstream. I’m sure it will blow out by the spring. Work looks good.
badly needed and the stream is narrowed and after a couple of big rains, more cobble (stream bed) should be exposed. It would be great if they extended the work upstream to the sheep barns, but getting machinery back there would be tough. SCTU Has done great work, including removal of the McCoy dam, stabilizing stream bank and habitat in Milesburg, improving habitat near Rock road and now this huge project.