Spring Creek New Zealand Mud Snail



Active member
Jan 21, 2008
Spring Creek has them and they can't put signs everywhere, so for those new to fishing Spring Creek in particular, try to avoid transporting these to other streams. This one hitchhiked on one of my neoprene booties.

For more information and suggestions on cleaning/killing see:

PFBC Press Release New Zealand Mud Snail
I'm guessing that - if they haven't already - they will likely spread downstream into bald eagle creek too, which spring creek flows into at milesburg. I fished down there this spring, and took the same precautions
Be sure to clean out every nook and crevice of your boots and waders. Especially check the folds of the tongue of your boots, the snails tend to accumulate there.
I believe that the threat of these snails is that they cover damn near all of the stream bottom which in turn ruins the habitat for most of the trout prey. Is this how it works? How serious is the threat that they cause?
Honestly, I don't think anyone quite knows what the impact of the snails will be. For instance, from http://fl.biology.usgs.gov/Nonindigenous_Species/New_Zealand_Mudsnail/new_zealand_mudsnail.html

Research is needed to determine the impacts of large populations of mudsnails on the native fauna, such as aquatic insects and native snails, and on any changes in the physical environment.

The facts are that the snails can achieve massive densities, which might have a detrimental affect on native fauna. But I don't think there is anything that conclusively defines why they are bad. Clearly, they haven't wiped out trout populations in New Zealand, where they are native to.

Now, don't misread that as me saying that you should ignore them. Just because some outcome isn't known doesn't mean you shouldn't take reasonable precautions to stop the snails' spread. The fact that they could have a detrimental affect on stream life is reason enough to take precautions. I usually fish with a dedicated pair of boots for Spring, but forgot them last week. So I pulled the soles of my regular boots Friday and am pretty sure I found one small shell wedged in between the boot and the sole. However, it disappeared into the pavement of the hotel parking lot, so I can't confirm that, like the OP has.

I also don't think we can stop their spread. We can only slow it. For every 100 anglers that is conscientious, it only takes the one who is not to be a carrier. And I'm being overly optimistic when using that ratio. It may be more like 1:100, instead of 100:1.
how long can the snails live out of the water? if i fish spring creek and don't fish for over a week will the snails still be a threat if i don't spray down my gear? been meaning to ask this for a while just never remembered
It depends on how dry you actually get your gear. The snails can live in very low levels of moisture, felt waders and the neoprene booties underneath the gravel guards are very difficult to completely dry... If you let them dry in the sun on a hot day and hang them in a dry area or a week your probably good. I had a biologist with pafbc tell me he freezes his waders over night and let's them thaw out slowly and that supposedly kills them. He also said formula 409 industrial cleaner/degreaser is the only chemical that will kill mud snails. Bleach will not kill them
I wonder if the fish have added them to their diet. i cant imagine them passing up the abundant source of food, obviously depending if they dont harm them of course. but if so who will be the first to come up with the NZ mud snail pattern???
Thanks for the heads up. I am heading there tomorrow and I will clean my stuff when I get home. Are they on any other streams in that area?
I assume animals like deer can also track them into other waters so is it logical to assume there isn't no stopping them now?

I also recall the zebra mussel scare in lake Erie. Now I'm no biologist and have never read a single study on Zebra mussels but what I do know is that lake Erie has never been clearer and the fishing for smallmouth and perch has never been better.
its unknown if they are in any other streams in the area.
To my knowledge there hasn't been a study attempting to identify them on other waters.
I can't think of anyone who does fishes spring creek exclusively. Think of the people who come up for a weekend and fish multiple waters. Not sure how they freeze or scrub their gear each day. It's possible, but not probable.
If you truly care, you have a pair of waders and boots for Spring and another set for everything else or you only fish Spring when you go to SC.

I was up for a few days last week. Only fished Spring and froze my waders.
These things are literally everywhere in Spring. Earlier this year I started flipping over random rocks and every single one had them on them in decent numbers. It was really unbelievable that they spread so fast at this alarming rate. What a disappointment!
poopdeck wrote:
I assume animals like deer can also track them into other waters so is it logical to assume there isn't no stopping them now?

I also recall the zebra mussel scare in lake Erie. Now I'm no biologist and have never read a single study on Zebra mussels but what I do know is that lake Erie has never been clearer and the fishing for smallmouth and perch has never been better.

If i recall correctly the issue with the zebra mussels was ther apetite for filtering the water of algae and the bottom of the food chain. There for removing the forage for the next up the ladder and creating a domino effect. In addition, the water clarity due to the excessive filtering causes the walleye(a major game fish in Erie) to go deeper to avoid the increased sunlight penetration.

To the OP. I now have a dedicated pair of waders and boots so i dont have to deal with cleaning and or freezing.
Here is info from a biologists that studies the Great Lakes:

Zebra and quagga mussels native to Europe’s Caspian Sea are transforming Great Lakes ecosystems and fueling rampant algae growth in all of the lakes except Lake Superior, which doesn’t have enough calcium to support shell formation. The mussels have increased water clarity in the lakes, which allows sunlight to penetrate deeper and support more algae growth.

Decaying cladophora algae that washes up on beaches is more than an eyesore: It harbors bacteria that can pose health threats to humans, fish and wildlife, according to scientific studies.
Cladophora has been linked to Type E botulism outbreaks that have killed more than 70,000 Great Lakes water birds over the past decade.

Chris Otto, a National Park Service biologist who works at Sleeping Bear Dunes, said the cladophora problem is in stark contrast to the national publicity that heaped praise on the popular park west of Traverse City. He said park visitors routinely complain about the algae.

"People come here to see a pristine beach and it’s kind of shocking to see this algae," Otto said. "People are turned off by it."
Wind and waves can cause the algae to swamp a beach one day and then carry the noxious cladophora away a day later. But government studies have found that some of the harmful bacteria that thrive in decaying cladophora can linger in wet sand.

Otto said many people assume that polluting industries or faulty municipal sewage treatment facilities are to blame for the cladophora problem at Sleeping Bear Dunes. That’s not the case: Zebra and quagga mussels are the culprits.

Zebra and quagga mussels spread like a virulent disease after invading the Great Lakes in the late 1980s. They have caused the most profound ecological changes in the recorded history of the lakes, according to researchers.
The invaders have:
* Hurt the $7 billion Great Lakes fishery by taking a giant bite out of the food chain; disrupted power plants and water treatment facilities.
* Played a major role in the collapse of Lake Huron’s salmon fishery.
* Threatened a Lake Michigan salmon fishery that pumps millions of dollars into coastal communities.

"These foreign mussels are causing a lot of problems in the Great Lakes and excess cladophora is one of them," said Gary Fahnenstiel, a senior scientist at Michigan Technological University’s Great Lakes Research Center. "The algae is harmless but it harbors a lot of fecal bacteria … people should stay away from it."

Quagga mussels were first spotted in Lake Michigan in 1991. There are now more than 950 trillion quaggas on the lake bottom -- about a half-billion pounds of the fingernail sized-mollusks, according to government data.

Fahnenstiel and other Great Lakes experts have said the foreign mollusks are effectively sucking the life out of Lake Michigan and Lake Huron. The mussels increased water clarity, but unleashed ecological havoc.

Each zebra and quagga mussel can filter up to one liter of water per day. Under certain conditions, the quagga mussel population can filter all the water in Lake Michigan in nine to12 days, according to University of Michigan research scientist David Jude.
As they filter water through their bodies, zebra and quagga mussels consume plankton, tiny organisms that are the foundation of the Great Lakes food chain. That increases water clarity, which allows sunlight to penetrate deeper in the lake.

Sunlight at greater depths, coupled with mussel waste that acts as fertilizer, is fueling bumper crops of cladophora across the Great Lakes. Wind and waves cause cladophora to rip off submerged rocks and other hard surfaces -- including piles of dead quagga mussel shells -- and wash onto beaches.

Scientists at Michigan Tech University recently discovered 591 square miles of cladophora on the bottom of Lake Michigan. They found 20-inch thick mats of decaying cladophora just offshore from the scenic beaches at Sleeping Bear Dunes.
"That place is loaded with cladophora," Michigan Tech scientist Martin Auer said in a university publication.

Short of dredging all the quagga mussels out of Lake Michigan -- which isn’t an option -- experts said there is no solution to the cladophora crisis on the horizon.

Link to source: http://www.mlive.com/environment/index.ssf/2012/08/zebra_mussels_are_transforming.html
pretty soon you are going to need a pair of waders and boots for every dang stream you fish. This is getting ridiculous.
mcwillja wrote:
pretty soon you are going to need a pair of waders and boots for every dang stream you fish. This is getting ridiculous.

We didn't always have the convenience and ability to be fishing a stream in New Zealand one day and be home in Central PA on Spring Creek another day. We've managed to blend bits of ecosystems that are continents apart with our globetrotting. It might be ridiculous but it's also reality.