Spring Creek Info from PFBC

The title suggests that the watershed is teetering on the edge of ruin. And perhaps a major pollution event could bring that to fruition. However, after reading the paper, it seems to me that the title should change to "An Amazing Recovery from Near Death" I cannot believe all that stream has been through... especially in the 50's! And though development and invasive species are always a looming threat, the stream is better off today than it was in the 50's and 60's. One thing for sure... there are many more watchful eyes protecting this truly amazing watershed. One day, the Green Drake will return.
Most PA streams are overall, improving. As you said, that's not to say there aren't threats. But the general arrow is pointed up, not down.

Reductions in acid rain, better sewage treatment, better erosion controls, better stormwater management, etc.

As far as threats, urbanization is probably the toughest nut to crack.
greenghost wrote:
it seems to me that the title should change to "An Amazing Recovery from Near Death" I cannot believe all that stream has been through... especially in the 50's! And though development and invasive species are always a looming threat, the stream is better off today than it was in the 50's and 60's.

I had read a history, maybe from this, in the past year about Spring Creek. It was fairly in-depth. It talked about the dams, the farming and livestock along its banks that made it into a ditch in upper reaches. The industrial dumping and chemical pollution. The conclusion of a person who would know was that Spring Creek had cleaner water than it had in over 50 years. Makes me wonder when people tell me about the creek in the the past.

We just need to keep improving the holding cover below Bellefonte. The fastest, coldest, biggest part of the stream.