Spotted Lanternfly pattern



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
I guess this new infestation presents a silver lining. Do trouts eat these bugs? Any ideas about a pattern? The wing silhouette is unusual.
I imagine a smaller cicada pattern adjusted for color or even a big *** EWC would suffice, but I have yet to see any dropping in creeks or ponds.

They stay up in the trees, seem to go where they want because they can hop & fly well and don't die off in droves like cicadas.

The good news is recent reports of sightings in Berks County are WAY down this year.

If you want a test laboratory, go to French Creek State Park in August. They were all over the place last year but again, I didn't see any in either of the lakes and when I threw a few into Scott's Run, they were shunned by the bluegills.
I tied a pattern last summer that worked well on SMB and panfish, but not so much on trout. It was basically a muddler type of fly with black, white & red underwing.