SplitTail Flymph



Mar 24, 2016
Splittail Flymph
Jeff Neamand the Banquet Chairman of BCTU and owner of Aquasun Outdoors showed me these flies he picked up from a man living in New Hampshire. But the man was found streamside where he past away, we all hope he was coming back from the stream and had a great day fishing.
So Jeff was down to his final fly and asked me if I could create this pattern. I saw the photos and saw it was a simple pattern.
The fly tyer that developed the fly was Dave Baker a long time fly tyer and fly fisher from the Philadelphia area.
The tying sequence will be featured in the Delaware Valley Fly Fishers Newsletter and will also be the Fly Fishers International Fly Tying Group April Fly of the Month to honor Dave.


  • SplitTail Flymph Signature resized.jpg
    SplitTail Flymph Signature resized.jpg
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  • SplitTail Flymph Top View Signature resized.jpg
    SplitTail Flymph Top View Signature resized.jpg
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Nice, Jerry. I think the flymph was one of the first flies I learned to tie in one of the beginner's fly tying classes after I joined the MLFT, can't remember whether it was Dave or Sam who taught the course. Dave was quite a character.
That is a really nice looking fly.
Nice Jerry

That's a good trout catching pattern. I've been using a fly like that, but with no tail, since about 1971.

I prefer the no tail version, because I think it's a better caddis imitation that way.

That type of wet fly, hares ear dubbing with partridge (grouse works too) hackle has probably been around for centuries.

A nice variation is to rib the body with fine gold wire.