Split shot tangles

I still think I'm just going to avoid shot unless I am using a single fly on the DSR. I don't like the way shot casts or the added weight point in my rig, and I feel like I'm gonna smack my rod with it. I'll just use heavy point flies.
I agree with the first statement. I’ve been fishing two and three rig flies for over thirty years. I tie my flies rigged in a straight line through the eyes of the hooks. The first fly is usually a weighted fly like a bead head. The next fly or two maybe a lightly weighted fly or not weighted at all. The second or third fly is usually an unweighted wet fly or emerger. If I add any split shot, it’s about a foot above the first fly closest to the fly line. I never put split shot behind the point or bottom fly. You need a slow cast allowing the line to straighten out behind you and bring it forward with one stroke and let your line softly hit the water. Any tangles I get are usually from recovering my line after a snag. 90% of my fishing is with nymphs and wet flies.