Split shot advice?



Feb 12, 2014
I'm somewhat new to flyfishing and just need some advice on what split shot sizes I should get. If u guys can help me out I'll really appreciate it!
FlyMaster99 wrote:
I'm somewhat new to flyfishing and just need some advice on what split shot sizes I should get. If u guys can help me out I'll really appreciate it!

I like lead ss and also ones with the little ears to make them easy to remove. Try these in size "B" & "BB". Any ****'s Sporting Goods carry them. Good luck.
I prefer smaller shot like 4 and 6.

I picked up a shot wheel ten years ago with all he smaller sizes and still use it.

However, I must admit I don't like adding shot. I prefer tying my own flies with weight added to them.
I myself like the none lead putty loon has. Work's and when i make a bad cast, it wont chip the rod. Who me make a bad cast?
I agree with Afish. Though I carry "fly fishing shot" the vast majority of my splitshot usage is "removable" (I use the term loosely because the new crap is not removable even though it has "ears". They just smash. But that's another rant.) Water Gremlin "B or BB".
FlyMaster99 wrote:
I'm somewhat new to flyfishing and just need some advice on what split shot sizes I should get. If u guys can help me out I'll really appreciate it!

None. Buy a little container of the tungsten putty. Unless its freezing outside, because it'll freeze and crack off. In that case just stay home. It was entirely too cold to be outside anyways.
Lead SS in B or BB like Afish said or if you prefer the leadfree approach I like the dinsmore mixed container of shot. They grab the tippet good and wont slide on you but are not as easy to remove as lead split shot with the tails.
Tungsten Putty is the ticket for replacing micro shot, when you need just a little more weight. It works best if you roll it on your tippet like spaghetti rather than shaping it on to look like a football.
Your best bet will be to purchase a 'wheel' of split shot. you'll use shot from 8-BB+ based on the depth and speed of the water.

I would also recommend not using lead since it pollutes the waterways.
I saw a presentation by a guide who says several small shot is better than one large. Not only does that make it easier to adjust but I think it makes the tippet turn over better.
That's interesting. I would like to hear/see that presentation. I would think differently assuming less SS the better. Seems like the more SS you have on, the more likely to snag. Who knows though? I tend to live by Joe Humphrey's advice, i just carry around a small pocketful of loose shot. Kinda like spare change. I've got all kinds of different sizes and shapes. Add/take away as needed. All I care about is finding bottom in the least amount of time possible. Find bottom, find fish.
I use a wheel of split shot and loon tungsten putty. Both have their advantages but i use split shot more often. Plan is to put all my weight in the fly's and not add shot but will see if that ever happens.
I have a pack that came with 6-4-1-BB and find that covers everything I have needed. If your the type that likes to keep a log it is beneficial to use one size at a time so you can record easily what size and how many are working given the area and/or what the flow was. Helps to make it easy to reproduce success.
sent you a personal email.
Depends on where you want to fish in the water column. Deep down/winter/spring, big shot, get it down, and do it fast.

I recommend B, or BB, but I think the better question is where to put your shot, distance from your fly, and what type of leader to run.
