Spinner tails, what proportions?


Sep 11, 2006
I'm starting to tie up some spinners to try some wing materials and micro fiber tails. I haven't tied many spinners before and wondered about tail lengths. These will be BWOs on #18 hooks to start. Does 2x hook shank sound right or longer?

Fly Proportions


Standard dry fly the tail length = hook shank length

Don't get too caught up in the tail thing. Many dries work just as well with no tail at all.

I would find a picture of a spinner and try to match the tail length with the natural.
Spinner tails that I have seen are FAR longer than the regular dun...we saw one, on pine creek last year during the jam, that had to be 6 times as long as the spinner's body. It was really surprising. I'd go with double the hook length..I also lien the micro mesh for the wings...Go to the Fly Swap pages ...the re were sever al spinners over the years...I did an olive spinner last year.
I go a little longer than a shank length for most of my spinners, but the tail has to be very sparce.

However, for smaller spinners of size 20 and smaller (i.e. tricos and small BWOs) I do not use tails and have seen no loss of effectiveness. The nice sparce tails needed for spinners are very hard for me to tie and I try to avoid them if at all possible. Years ago there was a big debate whether or not stiff tails pushed the fly away from a trout's mouth and many guys promoted soft hackle tails over stiff ones light boar's bristle, moose mane, plastic etc. Then I started noticing that for many tricos on the water the tails got plastered to the wings and didn't really show up. That pushed me to doing away with the tails and I haven't regretted it - although spinners look a lot sweeter with nice tails.

On the opposite side, Jim Serio's Big Spinner pattern uses a bunch of Antron yarn for a tail and works just fine on those tricky West Branch of the Delaware browns. Maybe the trout don't might a bushy tail on a spinner as much as we do.