


Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Took this picture today and saw that no one has posted a sowbug. Figured I would be the first.

Pohopoco Creek, Carbon County


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got to tie a box devoted to sow bugs, scuds, and cress bugs..
I am quite surprised, I always thought sowbugs were only in limestone streams. Am I wrong? Or does the Pohopoco have limestone influence?
bottom releases can have them and the popo has limestone influence.
this is surface there is more deeper.
Thanks Bob. Did not know either of those things.
This was the first time I have actually saw one on the Po. A friend brought it to me to see if I knew what it was. Then again I am not much of a rock turner especially at this time of year, because I do not like getting my hands wet lol. I would say it was a size 14. My friend said he found a bunch when turning over rocks. I have noticed A LOT of vegitation growth towards the dam more. This is the first year I have noticed this occurring. Next time I am out I plan to take pictures of the growth to see if you guys can identify. Find it odd that all of a sudden this plant life is taking over. Almost every cast you are cleaning your fly. Hope this is good vegitation and not didymo.
Thats the most common type of sowbug but I've seen on Kettle Creek a more round/flat type of sowbug. Not sure if the trout eat them but Kettle is a freestone. Spring Creek is loaded with Sowbugs!
never really had any luck with scuds but then my only scud is a tad too big.
I've seen sowbugs in plenty of pure freestoners. They're not as numerous as in the limestoners, but they are there, especially in those freestoners that are not overly acidic. Same with scuds.
Lots of scuds and sowbugs in the little freestone that my students sample in York county. Not much more than a drainage ditch.
if the stream has plant life growing it can have some sow bugs or scuds. even a true shrimp..A lot determines on the chemical make up the water.
Even though Kettle is not in the limestone regions of the state, it is limestone influenced, because there are spring in some areas that flow through limestone glacial till.