Southern Most Trout Fishery in North America Saved - For a While



Active member
Mar 16, 2015
Those of us in the Guadalupe River Trout Unlimited Branch were VERY worried we would lose this fishery.

So the below letter from the GRTU President is good news. But NO branch of TU, anywhere, can let its guard down for a minute.


"I am pleased to make the following announcement:

GRTU and GBRA just went through earnest negotiations to extend the Flow Agreement that was set to expire in 2018. GBRA was very cooperative and worked with us to find a solution. With all parties compromising, our new Flow Agreement is now signed and in effect.

The New Flow Agreement extends trout protecting flows until December 31, 2026.

While the levels of releases from Canyon Reservoir are reduced, they will provide significant protection for the trout in most years. As with the current agreement, there will be years, when there is not sufficient water for GBRA to make the releases for the full summer.

All in all, the GRTU board believes this a great deal, especially when the alternative of having no more flow for trout after 2018 is considered. GBRA is constrained by water obligations that it is now trying to meet for the exploding population in the area that they served. The Texas water planning shows demand that cannot be met with present resources. GBRA is looking for your support for the Mid-Basin Permit that will capture excess run-off and send it to storage. Officially, the GRTU Chapter and its leadership will support GBRA’s Mid-Basin permit efforts and the board urges our membership to do so as well.

Joe Filer

President, GRTU
Next time I'm in Guatalupe, I'll say thanks.
I guess you're being facetious but I would think this is a matter of interest to fly fishers, despite their location.

Maybe it isn't to those who never venture far from their "home water". To each their own.

Successes like this are important for me because I want my 2-1/2 year old grandson to one day have a chance to fish the streams I've fished in places like Texas, Pennsylvania, Arkansas and Colorado.

I wish you all the best and hope you will give a little back to the sport and to the future.