Sorry I've been AWOL for a while



Sep 9, 2009
Hello folks. I am posting this here since I was supposed to be involved with the most recent swap. I wanted to check in because I don't want to have the reputation of the kind of guy that bails out of swaps, never to be heard from again. I felt like I owed everyone an explaination. Here's the Reader's Digest version...

Shortly before the swap deadline, my work situation changed. The comany I worked for was targeted for acquisition. I made it through the first phase of layoffs, but not the second phase. I was supposed to transition to a contractor status and be unenmployed after July 31st. Luckily for me, other things changed and they needed a new project manager. Still thinking this was a short term thing, all of my spare time was spent updating my resume and looking for a job.

Prior to this time, paflyfish was a daily activity for me. During this time, I probably only logged in 2 or 3 times over the course of 2 months. Also during this time, we have had to deal with some health concerns with my Mom.

So, needles to say, I have not had much free time. Things are stable on the job front, and we are starting to take care of things with my Mom. I am finally starting to get some free time back again. I expect to catch up on my PMs this week, so if there are any related to the swap, I will try to respond. I'm happy to still contribute, although it is very late I know. Until Saturday night, I had not tied a fly for over two months, nor had I fished for a trout in that same time...but that changed on Sunday!

See the stream reports forum.

Thanks for understanding...I look forward to being an active member again.

I think we have all been in that situation at one time or another in our lives. I did not participate it that swap but I am sure you will be forgiven. Lets all remember this is about having fun and there are more important thing than flies and fish forums.

Glad your back
Welcome back. I have been through some of the same situations. I hope all works out well for you.
Sometimes wetting a line can be the best stress relief. :)

Glad to hear that things migt be working out for you. As far as the swap goes, circumstances can change almost at a minutes notice.

If you check out the swap listing you will also see that the flies have not been mailed out as of today. Go figure.
gentleshepherd wrote:

Glad to hear that things migt be working out for you. As far as the swap goes, circumstances can change almost at a minutes notice.

If you check out the swap listing you will also see that the flies have not been mailed out as of today. Go figure.

I'll try to catch up by the weekend, and if I do, I'll get them out. Thanks everyone.
Glad you're back and things are going better.
Good to hear from you...glad things are on the right track.