Son's first ever trout on a fly rod



Active member
Mar 29, 2010
My son loves trout fishing, and we have caught a lot this year using his push button rod and wax worms. The thing could use some overhauling as the line that came with it looks like it could reel in a musky.

So Saturday I got the green light from momma to take him fishing, and she said she would be fine at home with the twin new borns. We went to our favorite spot only to have a guy come running down the stream to jump in front of us and fish it. I decided to pack up and switch spots as I did not want to loose my cool in front of my son.

We hit up another spot on that stream, but it was a little rough for a 2.5 year old.

I decided that I would go to old faithful, THe Little Conemaugh. The stream had not been stocked since last May but I know the trout hold over well. We got to the spot and I figured what the heck lets take the fly rod instead. I set up a quick tandem rig with a BHHE and a Beadhead Grey squirrel nymph. As soon as I go the flies tied on a little kid of a bout 12 comes riding up on his bike.

He played 50 million questions but I didn't mind.

"I fished here all day and didn't get a bite"
"what are you using?"
"Flies, how did you get a fly on a hook"

You know the kind of kid, but I didn't mind. I crouched down with my son beside me and roll casted. I told him to watch the bobber, to keep his focus on the stream. THe "fish pimp" took off up stream and I set he hook. NICE FISH!

I handed my son the rod and let him do all of the reel work, I just kept the tip up. He reeled it in and said "Daddy I caught a rainbow fish!!" It was a hefty hold over bow about 12.


I took it off and gave it to him to throw back in.

"Catch another fish daddy?"

My peanut gallery came to life:

"wow mister that was fast"
"what kind of fly are you using"
"how do you tie a fly"
"you mean you shot a squirrel and tied that with its fur"

I was actually enjoying the kids company, and told him to come over and if we hooked another one I would let him reel it in.

I stood up and roll casted to some slow somewhat pocket water and told my son to watch the bobber. This time it erupted. I set the hook and instantly my arm was tugged. I knew I had a big Golden on. It rolled and all I cold see was bright yellow. The fish was in there since at least last May.

"Here buddy!"

"Me?" asked the spectator.

"Sorry buddy but I gotta let my little guy reel this one."

I gave it to my son and held the rod tip up but let him do the reeling.

"I cant reel him Daddy!!"

"Let him go a little Corbin"

At these words coming out of my mouth I knew instantly that was a mistake. My 2.5 year old just let go of the reel and the fish screams the drag about 40 yards. I tell him keep winding and hold a little tension on the fly line.

He kept him on the reel and brought him closer.

"OK buddy lets bring him in"

I grab the road and swing it back. To put you in my shoes, crouched down with a 10' 4 wt rod, with a 3' tall 2.5 year old between your legs, reaching down for the Golden.

I grabbed he fish and my son went crazy. It was a beautiful hold over Golden. Super bright pink fins, and strip, started to get a hooked jaw and everything. I am not huge on these fish but to my son it was the best fish ever.

THe little kid asks:

"Oh my god are you going to keep him? IF not I am"

"No we are going to throw him back so you can catch him tomorrow."

I took the fish off and let my son hold him. It covered up his entire chest and stuck out on both sides a little.

I reached for my cell phone, but the battery was dead. I really wanted a picture of him with his first big one on the fly, but figured it wasn't worth killing the fish.

"I let him go daddy?"

"Yep buddy, go ahead"

He chuck the golden in like a football"

He was about 3" longer than my boot so somewhere between 15-17"

It was a blast and I am still happy about it. The fish was still there yesterday afternoon, and this morning. I tried for him for a little so he could have a picture to show his Pappy's.

I cant wait to get him out on the stream again. I know it will be a while before he can cast and such, but just getting him used to flies, the longer rod, fighting fish, and practicing catch and release is good enough for now.

Thanks for reading.
Thats awesome! I applaud you for taking your 2.5 yr old out fishing and getting him some fish. Nice work by you!

It is dads like you that form sons like me....the one's that love to fish
Great report. Best time you will ever spend. GG
I did learn that streams are a little much tough, as we took a spill when I rock gave out. Will be sticking to easy access holes, and sportsmans ponds for the rest of this year. Too easy for a slip to happen that can really do some damage.

Here was a picture of him and my nephew at the sportsmans club. THese trout were kept to eat.

Great story!
The other is my nephew and my dad. I actually have my son a bit brain washed on C&R. He kept wanting to throw back all of the trout. MY dad wanted to keep some for a fish fry.



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Great story! It's one that will be told for many years around the campfire.
Nice story! My nephew caught his first trout on a fly rod Saturday morning with me, and it's definitely a great moment. He's 20 years old though so maybe not quite the same as this great accomplishment for you and your son!
Great story. Congrats on the fish and for you being a great Dad.


I followed a speed demon home last night and had about 5 minutes extra. I didn't have my fly rod but had my sons rod, and some wax worms. I caught him in about 3 minutes. I snagged a pic and tossed him back in.

Went home and told Corbin to go show his momma this picture.


I felt like a goof using a push button zebco and wax worms but I just wanted a picture for him to show people. First fish on bait in a heck of a long time. LOL I guess I can swallow my pride to see how excited he was to show off his fish.


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Great story and pictures. A memory that both of you will have forever.