Something more



Active member
Dec 29, 2006
After reading a post in another thread I feel compelled to ask if anyone else feels that flyfishing is nothing more than another form of fishing?
For myself, I dont know if I could explain quite what its done for me. Sometimes I can reach a level of serenity that I have never known before. I believe it may have something to do with weaving all the line through the air, and then landing the fly with precise, yet delicate accuracy.
Ofcourse I'm not one to shy away from any exciting interuptions the fish may care to give me as fighting a fish on a flyrod seems unmatched as well. I know I'll never look at a spinning outfit the same way again even though there are times when they could be more productive. Other rods dont even feel comfortable in my hands anymore. I'm not out to condemn, but replies to this would only help me understand some of our posters and more accurately determine their thoughts from the posts.
Just because flyfishings my passion, doesnt mean it cant be someone elses hobby.
The thing that sets fly-fishing above other forms of fishing for me-
The Forums.
I am on several salt water and fresh water forums but I seldom bother to check them anymore.I am constantly checking this one.
Class tells.Interesting people,well spoken.
However as far as the fishing is concerned I love what ever form I am practicing.Now its kayak fishing for reds and snook using spinning tackle.Just as challenging but far harder than fly fishing physically.
An hour to get down river,in the dark,to be in position for first light.Three hours of fishing,jumping in an out,wading with the kayak tied to me,than an hour to go back with a 25 MPH wind and tide working against me.Even wading the Yellowstone seems dainty in comparison.-lol
Me-I just love to fish.
Sometimes I get zen about it, matter of fact most times but sometimes not. If you can get into it, feel the surroundings- the dew or fog in your face, gentle breezes, beautiful flowers, cool waters etc... great for you! I mean that with todays world this maybe your only shot. I am not a relegious nut or anything (maybe I am a nut after 13 years in catholic school) but I feel closer to the almighty on a stream than a church anyday especially on a sunday morning. I do not hold organized religion in too high asteem. Noisey jays make a good chorus.
Funny you mention that.When I lived in York I would head for the LeTort on Sunday mornings.There was a stretch of road where the trees canopied over the road and the sunlight shafted through.It was as close to a religious feeling or movement I ever had except for the time about three in the morning on the Missouri.I was sorta dozing while fishing when I suddenly saw an apparition coming to carry mean home.It was about five feet off the water and glowing with an unearthly sheen[read heavenly].Silently it kept coming closer and closer and I was too damned scared and stunned to reach for my revolver.Hey,what good would it have done anyway.It was not from this planet.
Wow. If I experienced that I would definitely say it was a FLASHBACK.

~~All I want is one to take me home From the high road to the low So many roads I know So many roads so many roads~~ Robert Hunter
Since picking up a fly rod, I enjoy FISHING, not just CATCHING FISH. I do wish fly fisherman were a little less classy, so I wouldn't feel so out of place......
It was a snowy owl,shimmering in the moonlight.It was scarey because I had never seen anything like it.
Maybe I should not have said class but on many fishing forums some seem to delight in working the good ol boy angle.Cant spel ur talk scents.Cute-once.
It can be just another form of fishing. I like to believe that those who find themselves doing it rather than some other form of fishing are part of some magical fraternity but I guess it probably like anything get out of it what you are willing to put into it. If all you are willing to put into fishing is a lawn chair and a cooler of High Life...well...
EXCELLENT, post, Squaretail! And, too darn complicated for me to answer!
I certainly have NOTHING against the "hardware slingers", because without them and their comparative dollars spent, compared to OUR small corner of the fishing world.................every water way in this country would be an open, flowing, brown, sewer. As "A WHOLE" they outspend us, out license us, our lobby us and out number us.
BUT, (at least to ME), watch an accomplished fly caster, cast. Watch a pro Bassmaster, throw a spinner bait with a level wind.
Inspect the mouth of a fish, whether largemouth bass or rainbow, after it's been un-hooked from a #16-barbless, then, from a #8 Trebble, or worse............ a pair of them.
I'm going to get really slammed for this next part, but hey.......... it IS a "forum", isn't it?
Why, don't you ever see a "Snoopy Fly Rod-Reel" set up, but there are countless ones, in spinning? Ever see a "Barbie 5wt."? I've seen PLENTY of "Barbie Zebcos"!
Well, WHY is that? Of course, the answer is quite obvious, but the answer to this, also carries long, long, into adulthood as well.
Many spinfishers, also make their own spinners and many even, their own plugs. So, of course, we're on the same plane then with them when tying our own flies!
The plugs are perhaps copies of bait fish and frogs, etc. but just "what" does a spinner imitate? "Hey, Larry!! There's a Brass hatch coming off the water!"
"IS, it, "merely fishing? Well, not to me. I'm not a meat hunter, score keeper, or competitor in my fishing. I may go for an entire, 14 hour day of fly fishing and out of that.......................given the "right" circumstances.... fish for 6 of those hours, observe and enjoy the rest of that time, without wetting a line and still consider it all, "One of my best days, yet, out on the water!"
(it goes from "best" to "exceptional", by the way if I don't fall in!)
Interesting topic/posts.
For me, I think it is that there is always something new to learn. After 40 years on the water, I am still discovering new things; many of these involve familiar waters. I like to try new flies other people have designed, and though these often are duds, occasionally I run into a real winner that helps me to catch fish. After many years, I still am a lousy streamer fisherman and generally vow each season to do better with them but don't. Over time, the peripherals have become more important. I once wrote that I didn't care about the surroundings; I was on the creek to catch fish. Though I still want to catch fish, I find myself admiring wildflowers and trying to discover their names. I recognize a lot of "tweety" birds and can identify many now that I couldn't even 5 years ago. But, as a fly-fisherman I have some concerns, too, including the increasing privatization of waters and the obviously lower flows of streams that I have fished for many years. But, mainly, I find that fly-fishing is not a passive activity; it is a constant learning process. I think Marinaro once described fly-fishing as a constant state of excitement. Traver or Gingrich or both regaled it as the most fun you could have while standing up. Sorry to ramble; fly-fishing is indeed the most wonderful hobby that I could even imagine. I hope I get 40 more years of it!

To me it is that feeling of being out on the water a true natural feeling if i am not fishing i am hiking. another thing about fishing is that you never truely figure it out there are too many varibles involved kind of like life itself. it was the fly fishing president Herbert Hoover that said "all men are created equal before fish".

Before I started fly fishing, I was an avid spin fisherman almost exclusively for trout. There's nothing like walking a stream, taking that hike in the woods and finding fish to cast at. I was as much in love with this aspect of trout fishing as I am now. The advantages to fly fishing that make me enjoy it more so is the drift is better and the ability to fish top water with dry flys.

Since learning to fly fish, I began to tie flys and I think this aspect, along with figuring out which fly to chose based on the insects or small fish in the stream I'm fishing make it more challenging. Tying flys and giving them to friends and seeing them catch fish is extremly rewarding. As is catching them myself on my own ties and patterns.

I certainly believe there's something special about it because since I picked up a fly rod and really made the transition to it, I've not used my spin gear. It's here collecting dust and taking up space. Not sure exactly what's the most special aspect of it, but I know that I'll spend the rest of my life or as much of it as possible, enjoying my time on the water casting flys.

Very interesting thread by the way.
I enjoy fishing, all types, but when I started flyrodding. I lost a hobby and gained a passion! I used to go fishing when I wanted, now I need to go to keep my sanity. Let me explain, before I became a husband and father my only responiblities were to get drunk, have fun and go to work. I fished anytime I liked and enjoyed life in the fast lane. Then I lost my best friend to a sudden illness, priorties changed and I married my long time girlfriend. We now have a beautiful daughter. You maybe wondering why I need to go flyfishing, because it slows everything down to a trickle for me. It's an escape from that rat race of trying to make ends meet, and most of all, it's time spent with my best friend. For when I'm flyfishing, it slows things down to a three count rythem and all the the hustle and bustle of daily life is gone. It's just me , a flyrod and some line and a fly. And if I catch a fish great, if not, thats great too. Life's too short to live it in the fast lane, flyfishing puts me in the slow lane.

The best friend that I lost was my Mother. When I'm in the slow lane, her presence is much stronger than normal. Some of my best memories of her are when we went fishing as family. Sorry to get all sensative there, but that's the reason I flyfish. That's why its something more to me.

Just telling someone that you fly fish gets them asking questions, even in a bar in center city philly. There's an aura around it.

For me, it's a constant learning process. That's why I do it. I also found that it makes me search for new water. When I was a spin fisherman, I rarely traveled to new streams. The varieties of insects and water conditions factor in more for fly fishing IMO. When you're chucking corn, it's all about finding a seam in the hole, tossing it in, and getting a good drift. It's still rewarding to me, as I do it about twice a year, but fly fishing is much more interesting.
Fishermanj hit the nail on the head for me- it maintains my sanity. When I fish, all other thoughts, worries,etc slip away, and it is truly just me and the stream. I lose myself thinking about the fish, where they might be, what they are taking, cursing myself for spooking that nice fish...Fishless outings don't bother me much anymore, especially when I fishi somewhere like Valley Creek. I know the fish are tough there, and if I can get one to rise or even refuse, I figure I am on the right track, and I will have one in hand soon enough. It is way more than just fishing to me. It doesn't matter what location or fish. It is the same for me whether it is on a small class A in the mountains fishing for brookies or fishing in the Gulf for snook. Life slows down for those couple of hours. Thank God for that!

Seems to be the time of year the fish make actually landing them extra special as well as their colors become more attractive than ever. Caught on Clarks last week. I thought I had a large one on untill this one came leaping out of the water.
I agree. The spawn is on. A fish from saturday. Hard to tell from the pic but he had a nice hookjaw.

I got news for you'll. It is just another form of fishing.

Some people might like to romanticize and make it out to be more than that on their own personal level, but to me that is just plain silly. The activity of fly fishing is still just fishing. Before anyone gets all upset at me (not that I care) let me explain. I can get the exact same “spiritual” connection with a walk in the woods as I do with fishing a mountain freestone. The fishing part really has nothing to do with the spiritual connection, although I certainly enjoy fishing. I don’t get that same connection when fishing crowded waters or special regulations waters, regardless of the gear. Even if the special regulations waters are not crowded that day, I still don’t enjoy it as much because of the obvious signs of human traffic (not to mention the paper signs). But it is still fishing, which I do enjoy.

This is coming from a guy who ties his own flies, and builds (rebuilds is more correct term, but you get the point) his own bamboo fly rods, and actually fishes with them.

Fly fishing itself is not some kind of fraternity. However, a group of people enjoying a common activity (or passion if you will) can be. It is what you make of it.
FD just about nailed my feelins with his opinion. Anymore, I'm just as happy watching somebody else catching fish that I've helped along the way than being in the water myself. Been flinging and tying feathers and steel for 41 years. Ain't never felt any different with a fly rod in my hands than I did with a spinning rod. Fishin' is fishin either way ya look at it.