Somerset FFing Show - Bus Trip from Carlisle, 25 Jan 2014



Active member
Sep 9, 2006
If you're thinking about making the trip to the Somerset FFing show next month and live in central PA, consider taking the bus trip from Carlisle. This is a one day, out and back trip that starts from the War College golf course in Carlisle at 6am and returns in the evening. The cost is a reasonable $30 (this doesn't include admission to the show). The show itself is $18 and children under 12 are $2. This is a good deal. The traffic and parking at Somerset are a pain and by taking the bus you can sit back and relax. Please note the deadline to sign up is 17 Jan.
More info to follow.
Here's the contact info for registrations etc:


  • fly fishing show flyer trip Jan 25 2014.pdf
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Somerset NJ. I thought the show was in Somerset PA. That explains a little more to me. I was having a tough time wrapping my head around the notion of a bus trip from Carlisle PA to Somerset PA.
BrookieChaser wrote:
Somerset NJ. I thought the show was in Somerset PA. That explains a little more to me. I was having a tough time wrapping my head around the notion of a bus trip from Carlisle PA to Somerset PA.

Yep, this show is closer to New York City. It's been around for many years and is, I think, the largest FF show in the eastern US. If you've never seen it, it's worth a trip. The first time I attended about a decade ago, I was like a kid in Disneyworld.

"your" fly show is in Somerset, PA ..... everyone else's in in Jersey. LOL. I thought the same a couple of years back.

The Lancaster show website isn't giving much info at this time. It's still a "go" right?

I'll be at the show Friday and Saturday.

Hope to bump into some PAFF folks while there.
krayfish wrote:

"your" fly show is in Somerset, PA ..... everyone else's in in Jersey. LOL. I thought the same a couple of years back.

Alright, I get my own show! We're going to have seminars on how to catch 5" trout. I might even give a bow and arrow casting demo. Hahaha!

BrookieChaser wrote:
krayfish wrote:

"your" fly show is in Somerset, PA ..... everyone else's in in Jersey. LOL. I thought the same a couple of years back.

Alright, I get my own show! We're going to have seminars on how to catch 5" trout. I might even give a bow and arrow casting demo. Hahaha!

I am catching a ride with Kray for this one.
I'm in. Shane, wear your t-shirt that reads "Don't limit wild trout.....keep you limit of wild trout".
Alright, I get my own show! We're going to have seminars on how to catch 5" trout. I might even give a bow and arrow casting demo. Hahaha!

I've seen Humphries do just that at the Somerset show.

I'll very likely make either Saturday or Sunday. Anyone in the Downingtown area feel free to hit me up for a ride, though I probably won't iron out details until the week of.

On Sunday lots of places are packing up and such, so selection is diminished, but that's when you get the crazy deals.
krayfish wrote:
I'm in. Shane, wear your t-shirt that reads "Don't limit wild trout.....keep you limit of wild trout".

Dang, you may incite a riot. I'll get extra security detail lined up... for y'all's protection.

I got a cattle trough in the bed of my truck for the casting demonstration. You know we have to accurately represent stream size.

BrookieChaser wrote:

I got a cattle trough in the bed of my truck for the casting demonstration. You know we have to accurately represent stream size.

Lol that was good.
I've done my share of bow and arrow casting at the casting pool in Somerset. In my defense, I was looking for a brookie rod. You test it like you'll fish it, right?

One seller even watched, and afterward I handed him the rod back saying it wasn't good enough. He said "that was 20 ft, what do you want!". I said about 30 ft.
The bus trip has been cancelled due to insufficient number of people signing up.