Some pics from last week

  • Thread starter salvelinusfontinalis
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Active member
Sep 9, 2006
Luckily for me i now work 3 12 hour shifts and have 4 days off with my kids. That means we get some fishing time each week. Last week we fished somewhere some people will recognize. This fishing here is sporadic and difficult but at times can be rewarding. The scenery is worth it alone.
The kids were amazing. If I told you how much terrain and mileage these 10 year olds covered with me you wouldnt believe it.
Anyways I took a few pics and thought I would share.


I'm sure it has a story.








Along the way we caught a slew of fish like this. Real nice sized cookie cutter brookies. Never got the real big ones but a whole bunch of decent ones. I really lost count but we fished a ton of miles.
They put themselves to bed early and slept in late, they really love this area and cant wait to go back. Me too.
Schuylkill County?

There’s fish up that far now? Wow, impressive. Great to see.

I think the PFBC had it slated to be shocked this year. Not sure if Covid has affected any of that. Cat will be out out of the bag soon enough regardless, if it’s not already. There’s been a rash of YouTube videos of guys fishing it the last couple of years...In one of them, the guy catches an obviously wild Brown...First one I’ve seen or heard of up there, but they’re there...
Not up that far. Keep in mind we fished down pretty dang far.
If i told you, like i Said, you wouldnt believe.
However they did start turning up some at one point.
Took us awhile to get out and then we went much further down and there are many more fish.
I just like it up there.

Personally there would be a re population project for someone. I have no doubt the fish are having trouble getting up that far. I wonder if fish eggs in boxes could hatch now.

Either way i believe the cat was out awhile ago on this one. The PFBC has know about it forever. I did see some of the youtube videos. The one guy cant handle a fish to save his life.
Either way its a delight to fish and covers a very long way. Most of that upper water, harder to get to than most will put in.
Nice to see your children love beautiful places. Good stuff !
Sal, I met your brother on a stream recently.
Nice scenery, but I'm having a hard time following photo #6,
Great photos and nice to hear you had such a great time with the kids.