Some good general FFing advice



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
I ran across this article in Hatch Magazine. It's has some general FFing advice as well as some do's and don'ts.

Good read. I agree with a lot of points and tips in the article. See what you think.

Yes and keep scrolling down there are several other good articles.(Caution, politics involved in some).
-You didn’t land him? Who cares? You hooked him and played him. That’s what matters.

- You did land him? Sweet. Now keep him wet, treat him with respect, and let him go without any undue harm or hesitation.

- You don’t need a photo of every fish you catch.
Thanks for the post ! ... I really like these three ...

Mandatory reading…………
He should check for the inconsistencies in his statements/philosophies throughout the “article”
Excellent article. Most points can also be relevant for all types of fishing.
Good article, want my son to read it now that he has a year of fly fishing under his belt. Reinforces some of the things I've been teaching him.
Good points all regardless of experience level.
Excellent article. I couldn't find anything in it that I disagreed with.
He forgot one thing. Don't compare yourself to others on the water. If you think another angler sucks I think your full of yourself. Everybody gets a different type of enjoyment from fishing. I like fishing, I don't like practicing to fish. I have no need to double haul so why should I become an expert at it.

I do agree with A few points. I rarely if ever take a picture and can't grasp why someone needs a picture of every fish caught. I liked his point about not playing with the fish but should have also included not to take a 3wt carp fishing.

The hundred foot circle was a good comment. To many fly fisherman, you know the ones who think others suck, think they are entitled to a 1/4 mile of upstream water and a 100 feet of down stream water measured from every step.

All in all an okay read.
"Don’t always practice with your eyes open. Shut your eyes from time to time and try to feel what the rod is doing. It can make a huge difference in your timing."

I advocate this. When I gave casting lessons to friends, I showed them something. I would put some objects in my back yard, close my eyes, and they were pretty amazed how close I casted to them with my eyes closed. Feel the rod, feel the line. I do believe you can feel the rod load better if it is a slower action rod.

Same thing when I taught my son to dribble a basketball. After some practice he would dribble the ball with his eyes closed to feel the ball. Practice, practice, practice.
I thought it was a good read and agree with pretty much all of it. I think practicing casting off of the water is one of the best things you can do. Becoming a better caster opens up more and more opportunities.
hooker-of-men wrote:
Oh, a list of rules for fishing. Cool.

I don't view this as a set of rules, just advice. Re-read the last paragraph. If you get something out of this, ok. If you don't, ok.
My father laughed at me when I called them wind knots, he called them casting errors.
“Your job here is not to believe what I tell you. Your job is to listen to what I’m saying and either prove me right or prove me wrong.”

I like that.