Solarez UV



Well-known member
Apr 24, 2009
South Jersey
I have had a bottle of Solarez go bad on me before I opened it after about 6 months. Any way to reconstitute it or extend the shelf life?
I have my fly tying bench set up in a cool basement and have had a similar problem with Solarez. Always thought it was crystalizing due to the cooler temps in the basement. I've kind of moved away from it unless I'm using a colored resin and now use loon.

Try putting the bottle in a hot water bath - kind of like you might do with honey that's been on the shelf for a while - and see if that helps it flow again.
Thanks. maybe a short stint in the microwave?
Curious if the microwave did anything for for the solarez.
The hot water bath works. I’ve done it with mine a few times when it gets thick or crystallized.
salmo wrote:
Thanks. maybe a short stint in the microwave?

You'll only need a couple seconds. I've had to put my bone dry Solarez in the microwave several times and found that it heats very, very quickly. I only leave it in for 3 seconds.

Works fine after that.