Soft Hackles



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
I'm trying to expand my game a little and just started using soft hackles . I wondering if you guys have any tips on using them which one you use how and when you use them and the best way to tie them . I basically want to know everything about them except the history of them ........... All posts would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance FRED :-D

Soft hackles are killer flies imitating caddisflies and some mayflies. Tying is easy – just a body with soft hackle, usually partridge. Here are a few combinations that work for me:

Partridge & Pheasant tail (rib w/ fine copper wire)
Partridge & Hare Ear (rib w/ fine copper wire)
Partridge & Peacock Herl (rib w/ fine gold wire)
Partridge & Olive
Partridge & Tan
Starling & Black
Partridge & Orange
Partridge & Yellow

You can’t fish it wrong: On the surface film with dabbed with floatant like an emerger, swinging in the current, and on the bottom like a nymph.

The way I like to tie in the partridge (or other soft hackle) is to strip the fibers from one side of the feather and wrap 2 or 3 turns of hackle. Keep the body slim and the hackle rather sparse. You can use a wet fly hook or a scud hook. I tie some using some lead wire for when I want to fish it deeper. You can tie them size #12-20.

I often use a soft hackle as the upper fly above my nymph(s) in a two or three fly dropper rig. Or, tie on a dry with a SH dropper. You can try to match hatches (caddis or mayfly) using a SH of the same size and color of the naturals. Often times, the wet fished in the film or just under the surface catches more fish than a dry. Good luck.

Everyone knows soft hackles don't catch a thing! (wink, wink) A hen-and-flash soft hackle and pheasant tail soft hackle are my top producers. Next time I see you I will give you some examples.

What do you mean I caught 3 last night on one !!!!!!!! :-D
OK Fred, I will save my flies for the fish then. 'scuse me.

Easy buddy calm down, we don't need to be harsh ......... :-o