soft hackle feathers



Dec 12, 2010
What's the easyest and quickest way to dye feathers? Anyone use coffee to dye feathers?
I've heard kool-aid and dying kits from craft stores.

I usually just sharpie marker feathers.
Charlie Collins uses commercial grade hair dye from hair salons. Always dye darker colors over dark colors example you want black you must dye a brown feather or neck. A white neck dyed black will turn blueish. He talked about this with a few of us at Somerset.
rit dyes work wonders--black tail feathers (schlappen) bleached then dyed=


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gray goose wings bleached then dyed with rit;


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in lieu of any of these dying techniques, do any of them "run"?

I know it's a cardinal sin, but I have been cashing out on sizes I don't use off a metz number 3 grizzly at 1.00 a feather to local salons. They want some color variation.
rit is the way to go in my opinion
i'd be curious to try dying some more...i saw the cool-aid post recently and gave it a shot last weekend. came out slightly faded but it definitely worked...mostly bright colors to work with tho.
have to use at least 2 packets of kool aid and make sure you set the dye with vinegar.
I recommend Rit dyes. Fabric dyes work excellently. I also recommend you pick up Dyeing and bleaching natural fly tying materials, by A.K. Best.