So what gives with me and trout fishing...



Aug 20, 2012
I can't catch a trout to save my life, I've seen them in the water, even had them rise, but never caught one...

Though on the other side of the coin, I can catch practically any thing else, in trout waters and other water... Heck today, a few baby suckers, a few baby perch... Then left the trout stream, went to another fishing hole and pulled a 19" small mouth!?!?!?!? Though he's getting battered and fried as I type! MMMM!!!

But yeah bass, walleyes, carp, n bull heads no problem. Yet catch a trout? NO! WTF?

Its obvious. You have angered the trout gods. Your must drink two pumpkin ales and read " A River Runs Through It" Only then may you catch trout.
Trout are just more challenging to fool. That's why they are so much fun to fish for. It's not easy but if it was everybody would be flyfishing for them. Don't give up, don't get discouraged and just hang in there and learn all you can. The neat thing about flyfishing for trout IMO is that no matter how long you have engaged in the sport you NEVER know everything about it. It's a lifelong sport and it's wonderful!
Find a better trout stream. If you are catching perch, it might be a little too much of a warm water creek.
You need a guide. See video
Ha ha ha reading... That's a personal issue, I read prospecting for trout, then went down to the clarion with a few buddies... While mentally re reading the book, moving through the stream as stealth as I could, fishing all possible trout holds, my buddy who's an experienced trout fisher, tromps throughout the water like a horse...

And oh of course I get the skunk, and I watch him pull fish through out the day...

Wild, heck yeah they are harder to catch... But I really think that's why I keep going back, trying to figure the puzzle out. One day it will start falling together... One day. As for now more and more research, time on the water and thinking a pa liscense might help too.

It's funny to me at first it was like spin fishing, find something close to what your going after and get it to said fish. Now, tippet size I relation to fly size, checking the radar every half hour(even worse than snowboarding season). Now that we have rain, I'm thinking I shoud head up to the creeks that flow vs fishing the closest one that's all beaver ponds, and a lovely beaver that will spoke everything in a 100 yards slapping the water telling me to leave... Just trying to save time and fuel. Though again tomorrow morning will be the half hr drive to see if I can hook up to a Steelehead...

Sbecker- I was hoping the water would have dropped with the cold rain and cold nights, gotta buy a thermometer.

Caveman, after seeing that heck with fishing, I'm going into business!!!

You have Stagger-itis!
Well stagger, we do have one option, when I come down to see the in laws we can scare fish away together, or if you wanna come to ny, I have a bunch of Steelehead streams within an hr from my place... We can go scare fish there too!
Fisherman's paradise use to be the best school in the country/world.
Don't know what its like now.
You either learned to catch fish or crawled off in
might want to check that out...
I know that this is lengthy.....

Men have worshiped and men will worship and presidents have stocked them in their home waters.

a.) Match the hatch. Bugs are a fisherperson's best friend.

b.) Since most trout (65% or more) will take subsurface flies. The art of catching them is to put the fly right in their face. I don't mean to have the fly land on top of them. It has to be somewhere's in front that allows them to see it coming. It has to be presented lifelike with no wake. and if you use a nymph it has to touch bottom a percentage of the time it is in the water.

c.) Alot depends on the depth/clarity/flow of the river. Trout have excellent eyesight and if they see you or your Flyline/fishing line they are very reluctant to go after your presentation. Trying a frontal approach when water is clear does not work for me.

d.) I will use a dry fly as an indicator and attach a Prince nymph approx 2.5' to 3' with 4lb line to the hook shank (depends on river depth). The dry fly is much quieter when it lands in the water then some of those ready made indicators. If I get a knot in my line between the indicator and nymph I change it. Whether trout can see the knot or because it causes an influx in the water that trout can sense I don't know. All I know is that the strikes demish substantially.

Well.... Missed going up for Steelehead this morn but stopped at the local hole for a minute before heading home at sun set and pulled a 24" walleye... All I have learned from all this is I need a better fish butchering area other than the kitchen...
Well stagger, we do have one option, when I come down to see the in laws we can scare fish away together,

DJ, unless it is a get together on the board, your chances of hooking up with me are slim .. just ask Volks :)

Seriously .. if your gonna ever be in the area give a headsup in advance and we'll see what happens. I really recmend one of the newbie jams. Tons of fun and most of the vets are there to help us out and get a lil fishing if they can. July one was great as I had one help me on the water for abt 4 hrs, worked with another on casting and another on knots. Was really great
Find a brookie stream, but keep in mind that taking wild trout from waters that are wild trout waters is unlawful.
Maybe it's your approach. Some of those fish you have luck catching don't spook as easily as trout do. Work on being stealth.