so i'm attempting to get into editing video , first vid whatcha think?



Aug 20, 2012
shot with a drift pov cam and edited in lightworks.

any and all feed back appreciated!

Well DJBerg, I really like the music and think it fits the content. I also like the content, the purpose of the video. Obviously the Allegheny area, and a day spent there.

Just a couple tips for your future edits. First, its a lot easier to watch short clips then it is to watch somebody carrying a camera down the sidewalk for even 15 sec. It becomes a little more interesting if you cut the clips say every 3 sec, then skip 2 sec, then cut back in for a couple sec. Even more entertaining if you sync the cuts with the beats of the music.

Pay closer attention to videos you really like. You'll pick up different shots, and see how long the individual clips are in that vid. Different effects also that you like to use in your vids. I like that you cut back and forth with the b&w and color segments in your vid. Little things like that make videos more entertaining.

I don't know anything about Lightworks or what all you can do with it to your videos. I've used Premiere Elements, its fairly cheap and you can splice clips and there's lots of effects to experiment with.

Just keep making videos and striving to keep improving them. Your first ever video edit really shouldn't be your best.

Overall good job and thanks for posting it. Any questions for me just ask.
thanks hammer, yeah i shot all of it via hand held, the product stuff and the shop shots are going to be re shot some time this week. going back with more light and strobes for my dslr. the previous time i shot there there was a bunch of sun shining in and made for way better light.

as for the song, not only is it an awesome song but the story is pretty amazing as well, eric ayotte is the musician, and the song was written from his grand father's poetry. all of eric's life he always knew his grandfather was just a cranky old guy, and when he passed he found a notebook with his poetry in it. so eric took the poems, wrote songs out of them, and once the album was done gave it to his father for father's day.

as for insperation, i think this is my personal fav:

so well produced!!!!

and now i'm wishing i had a dslr body that shot vid, especially since i'm familiar with my lenses already, just wish i had $3000 to throw at a new body. that d800 would be perfect, way better megapixel count and awesome vid capabilities. just too bad it's a hobby and not a real paying ordeal...

A couple of shakes but good work. A couple of little twitches in the film but really good editing. I have messed around with a couple of videos. Even a 25 minute musky on the fly movie. All the editing I have used Nero and windows video editor. Those 2 editors have been the easiest for me to work with.
yeah my selection was based on a google search of free video editor and a few reviews later that was the one. as for the shaky stuff, i'm gonna rig my tripod to my long board and that should gt rid of the product shot shakes but the people shots are as they are because those were a one time shot deal.

and you wanna talk about scary, some how when i play the straight from the camera footage through windows media player the footage is trash, but through quick time it's workable, the hardest thing so far has been shakes, and white balance.
I like the gorrila style shooting. I did all min with Kodak mini hd cameras. They were junk. Still a awesome job dj.
Nice job! As a Nikon shooter myself, I say take the money for a pro body SLR and spend it on a good video camera. SLR tech had come a long way but is still lacking (even with f2.8 fast glass) for video. Focus issues (hunting, breathing) make for tough handheld conditions. You are also at the mercy of "live view" which sometimes hinders composition. I've shot video equipped DSLRs since the D90 came out and have never used ANY footage from them. Granted, the newest bodies have the latest advancements but one still had to bolt on a ridiculous amount of stuff to make it viable. 2.5k buys a LOT of video cameras! If you are stuck on Nikkor lenses, consider the Red system (also serious coin). Some of my best work was done with a $300 JVC Everio with VR in camera. All my editing is done on a MacBook Pro with iMovie. Final Cut Pro would be my first choice if not wasn't so expensive. Good luck
yeah i would have to do a bunch more research on what to actually get, and yet i see so many skateboard vid guys shooting with a 60d? maybe i cant remember now. and they are pulling some decent footy. so based on that i was starting to drool over the d800 for the vid and the sensor, that ff sensor is awesome but if you get too crazy with the cropping you see the pixels, but the camera can handle some serious dark shooting, and saves you tons on aa batteries in the strobes.

oh well the final version of this vid is going on a flash drive as i type and will be public prob by this after noon.

also need to figure out exporting to more manageable files right now the vid is 4 1/2 min and 22 gigs of info lol
What Nikon are you using. I have a D7000 and it shoots decent video but it doesn't autofocus in video mode. Although shooting with the 35 1.8 lense is great for video. To be honest if you want to shoot great video for a budget price, get the new gopro for $400 shoots 60 fps at 1080 plus a slew of other settings. Also I made a boom for mine that you can shoot underwater with or 10 feet out or above your head. Shoots great slow motion and the picture quality is very good. To be honest the D800 won't be too much better. except for full frame. The one thing I would make for your video efforts is a steady cam. Will improve your video quality 100X. You can make one for pretty cheap like $25. Just go on line and search steady cam....
Thanks chrome, I shot it all with a drift pov camera (samething as a go pro different body shape, and far better to hold n shoot with). Yeah idk about what dslr body id go with if I were to make that jump but right now I shoot stills with a d700 and love it other than the full frame 12 mpxl sensor, almost any cropping at all and you start to see the pixles.

But I would really love to play around with a nikon dslr vid body, just to have he ability of shooting with my 80-200mm 2.8, that lense is my baby.
oh yeah and the final product...

found that by using my tripod balanced on my long board i got far smoother roll by shots. but i still have a lot to learn about shooting vid, not shooting things in1/250th or faster with stills...
