SMB YOY survival?



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Given the monsoon-like rain storms we have had in the last week or so and the high levels of the rivers right now, just after the SMB spawn, is this the worst case scenario for YOY survival?.....Mike?



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Well, I just started thinking about this the other day. The flow/storm pattern does not look to me to be good for SMB reproductive success UNLESS they spawned earlier than usual. I could be wrong; we'll know in another month, give or take, when we (Area 6 crew) do the YOY electrofishing index surveys in SE Pa on the lower Susquehanna, the Schuylkill, the lower Delaware (non-tidal), and two sites on lower Pequea Ck and lower Conestoga R.
I'm worried about the same thing. We had had such good, stable flows during the spring and when this storm hit, I cringed. Thankfully, the Juniata watershed didn't get hit too hard. The lower Juniata has not had an above average YOY since 1999. Even 2007, which was off the charts on many rivers, only reached the mean YOY line on the lower Juniata and I've been hoping for a good spawn.
Although river temps were cold this spring, I did see some bass on redds here in the SC in mid April, which is early. I think if things stay stable over the next couple weeks that bass YOY should be okay as things have been pretty good for the spawn and immediate post spawn period. But I'd be surprised if this year produces high YOY numbers in PA. If we get another deluge in the next couple weeks it could be a lost year.
Here's hoping for gentle rain over the next month.
Thanks Mike. I root for those little buggers to make it every spring.

Mother Nature can both giveth and taketh away. Hopefully things turn out okay.

I'm sure you will share the shocking (or hopefully not so shocking) results in the coming months.