Smallies in high fast water



Aug 24, 2010
Will small mouth hide in the same nifty spots that are (conveniently for them) unreachable as a trout would. Its a pretty large creek, the average small mouth fishery i would estimate. The water is ripping pretty good but nice in others and I Haven't the slightest clue where they are.
Here's a thread I wrote a year or so ago about fishing smallies in high water. Not sure if it will answer your questions but FWIW:
Good info in the thread posted by FI above.

Smallies will usually hold in moderate current, and especially around obstructions such as larger rocks/boulders or wood. That would be my starting point, but search all types of water until you find them.
Thank you FI that was exactly what I was looking for, really great information to know. Next time you see the idiot holding a 9 foot lighting rod in his hand in the middle of Katrina pt. 2 you'll know its me.
Just as an additional thought..

Setting the question of flow rates momentarily aside and looking at where the bass will be..

This will often depend upon what time of year it is and water temperatures. This time of year, the fish will almost alwasy be in the deeper, slower water where they don't have to expend much energy. They're getting ready for winter.

However, in high summer and particularly when water temps are pretty high (say up around 80 or so) it can be surprising how many of the good fish will lay in or very near to the heaviest water in the creek in search of sufficient oxygen. They won't lay right out in the heaviest water, but if there is a pocket of any size (even the size of a coffee table picture book) of slack water immediately adjacent to the heavy flow, this (in large creeks/small rivers anyway) will often be where some of the best fish will be. I've caught lots of nice bass out of water you'd think would wash the scales right off them. Just so long as there is the tinyest of pockets for them to utilize as a resting place.
This summer I learned so much about small mouth fishing. Thank you for some fall information. I really enjoyed the time I spent hunting down this species.

Thanks for the posts afish and RLeep2.
So, the question begs... since the redds have formed in my local trout stream, and the weekend weather is looking so very fantastic, should I bother hitting the smallmouth river or just give up and go target shooting?
Both my friend. Be happy you can. My schedule for the weekend and the next 3 will be jam packed with super awesome doc visits, sitting in an immobilizer, and my personal favorite, sleeping 2 hours a night if im lucky. oh boy! oh boy!

My words of advice: Don't have kids.

I'm lucky I get one.
Hahaha thank you adolescence. (never thought i would say that..)